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Hermione POV:

I woke up early as always to read and decided to go wake Ron up as well. I walked to the boys dorm and they were all sleeping so I sneaked in slowly not wanting to wake them up.

"Granger?" I heard Malfoy's raspy voice probably just woke up as well. "Oh good morning Draco go back to sleep I am here for Ron" I said and he looked at me confused.

"Draco?" He said and I smiled, "yes friends address each other by their first name " I said and winked at him. "Friends?" Ron spoke from nowhere.

"Ronald! You scared me" I said and walked to his bed. "Sorry" he said holding my face and I blushed as how he becomes very sweet every morning. That's why I love to wake him up even tho he complains about it nonstop.

I woke him up and went downstairs to wait for him. "Were you calling Malfoy your friend just now or I was dreaming" he said and I chuckled because of his cuteness.

"Yes maybe" I said and held his arm. "I know you have a very big heart Hermione" he said kissing my forehead and a blush crept to my face. "I don't just go around giving out chances but he's really changed" I said and he nodded.

"I love how you are more mature now Ronald Weasley" I said and kissed his cheek, he turned as red as his hair and grabbed my waist sticking us together.

"What are you doing we're in the common room" I said and he pecked my lips making my body's temperature higher. "You know what that Ronald do to me" he said and I chuckled leaning into his embrace.

"Let's talk about this later" I whispered in his ear and he grabbed me outside."No Now" he said and I giggled while following him.

Draco POV:

After Granger and Weasley left everybody strated waking up and went to take their showers then they all disappeared, except for Potter of course.

It seems that he has every class with me. I went to take a shower as well and when I came back potter was up. "Good morning" he said and I replied back while combing my hair.

"Draco can I be your hairstylist today?" potter said then came to stand in front of me. I blushed and tried to contain it, why would I even blush.

"Says who" I said jokingly and he rolled his eyes. "Your hair is fluffier than mine, it's easy to style" he said and I hummed in response. "Go ahead potter it's all yours" I said and he grinned happily.

He turned me around so my back was facing him then he put both of his hands on my shoulders and pushed me down to match his hight.

"Hurry up shorty" I said and he nudged my back playfully. After two minutes he turned me around again and I pushed myself down for him. he was so close and his hands played with my hair.

"Done" he said and I looked in the mirror, "oh you made my hair into a bun" I said and he nodded, "it suits you" he said and I nodded trying to calm my racing heart.

Harry POV:

"Thanks potter" he said and walked to the door then stopped. "Wait aren't you coming to the class" he asked and yeah I fucking forgot I have a class. All I could see was this tall handsome man.

"Ah yes" I said and went to take my shower while he waited for me in the common room. After I finish I grabbed my books then followed him to the class. After the class I asked if he will come to breakfast and he nodded. I can't understand why I feel so happy about him going back to being heathy again.

"Harry, Draco here" Hermione called our names from the table of the eighth year and we walked there and sat together. "Good morning lovebirds" Dean said and I glared at him.

"They're really becoming closer everyday" Ron said and I smiled. "Yeah we agreed to let the past" I stated and they all smiled. I stuffed Draco's plate with food as I wanted him to gain more weight.

"What potter are you planning on killing me" he said and I chuckled because of his cute reaction and blew off a strand of hair out of his face. "Ehm" Hermione hummed and I blushed looking away.

"You're babysitting me potter" Draco said while we were walking to the DADA class. I chuckled and shook my head. "No you're" he said and I nodded.

"Well maybe I am" I said smiling sheepishly as I pulled his tie behind me to the class.

Days went by and I realized I really have every class with Draco now. He seems that he's trying to open up to me. We've spent so much time together.

He told me about what happened to him after the trial and my heart was going to explode. I didn't know his life was that hard. He spent his time with me and the trio. He even opened up to Ron.

We were having dinner at the great hall and I was leaning on Draco because I was feeling a little unwell. "Are you sure you don't want me to take you to the hospital" Draco said but his face and voice was fading.

Draco POV:

Potter was looking awfully sick and I could see it but he refused to go to Pomfrey. He was leaning on me by his full weight and I supported him with my arm. "Harry looks really concerning" Hermione said and I nodded as I tried to shook him but he didn't respond.

"Potter fainted" I said before I ran off with him between my arms to the infirmary. "Madame Pomfrey, potter is sick" I said and she levitated him to the bed.

"Go wait outside Mr.Malfoy" she said and I went out to find panicking Hermione and Ron. "What happened" Weasley asked, "I don't know she took him from me" I said and sat on the ground waiting.

After a while she came out. "Mr.Potter had a sever flu don't worry he's alright now" she said and I breathed out of relief. "Can we see him" I asked and she nodded.

"You scared the hell out of us Harry" Hermione said hugging him. "Are you alright mate" Weasley said putting his hand on Potter's forehead. He was looking at me so I walked and sat on his other side.

"You're strong Potter I know" I said and he nodded with a faint small. "Thank you guys I am alright don't worry" he said and I smiled. "Christmas is approaching don't you dare be sick then" Weasley said and Potter chuckled with difficulty that made me worry.

He put a hand on my thigh, I looked at him and he was reassuring me with his eyes. I nodded and smiled at him. " I can't go anywhere this Christmas" Potter said and his friends looked at him in confusion.

"Why" Hermione asked. "I'm staying with Draco unless" he stopped and looked at me, "unless he decides he's going to his mother's sister house" he said and I rolled my eyes.

"No I am not" I said, "then I am not leaving you by yourself" he said and my heart rate raised. "Then let's stay all of us" Hermione said and they all nodded thoughtfully.

I softly smiled at them, I have been an ass to them my whole life and here they are treating me like a family. I have always Wondered about how they treated each other. No doubt this Trio has always been filled with love.

"Thank you guys" I said and they smiled back at me.

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