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The plan was to have the masks back on before the humans woke up. Unfortunately Nadia woke up earlier than anticipated. Feeling her shift, and her elevating heart rate Blaze stopped his meditation. Opening his eyes he glanced down and they met hers. They were an odd color. Constantly changing in different lighting. Based on studies of their species it was a color known as hazel. One of the rarest colors they could have according to research. Her dark brows and dark lashes really accentuated all of the hues. Blaze lifted his mask to put it back over his face. Nadia put a hand on top of it temporarily stopping the action. "Can you leave it off? I like seeing your face more." Nadia asked. Blaze stared at her for a few seconds as if trying to comprehend her words and then contemplating his answer. To her disappointment he just shook his head no making her let go and then placed the mask back on. Nadia frowned. Roxy was the second to wake up, she immediately looked around to find Nadia. She wasn't surprised when she found her with the black hunter. Had she slept with him instead of them? Her jaw slightly dropped. Her best friend of 20 years really was starting to choose a giant homicidal alien over her.

She glanced around for the other homicidal alien but he was nowhere to be seen. Roxy stood up quietly, grabbing her backpack before disappearing into the woods to relieve herself. After she was done she used her baby wipes to clean herself. Then she pulled up her bottoms, fastening them and her belt. She got chills like something was close by. She looked around but saw nothing. "Blue lizard man is that you?" she called out. She was answered with silence. "You know I don't know what it's like where you come from, but humans generally think it's rude to peep on them while they utilize the latrine. Especially ladies like myself." She continued. Again silence was all that greeted her. She crossed her arms. "I know it's you, lizard man. You can come out and stop freaking me out now." She called again. The silence was eery now. Especially because she still had a bad feeling. She started to back up to return to the group, and she backed into something solid. She huffed. "There you are. Seriously stop scaring people! What the hell is wrong with-..." She started ranting as she turned around to lecture him to his stupid masked face. "You..." her voice faded as she was faced with not a hulking alien bastard. Well it was hulking, and an alien, and a bastard. But not the one she hoped for. Instead she was face to face with some God awful scorpion-like creature. It was massive; bigger than those serpents. It had four thick fangs, and mandibles like the hunters, but there were six instead of four. It also had two massive pinching claws. Its terrifying look of course was completed by the thick scorpion tail with the venomous barb at the end. It didn't take a genius to realize she was staring at death on six legs plus the two pinchers for good measure. It opened the madibles wide making some sort of hissing rattle noise. Roxy screamed and sprinted away immediately, pumping her short legs as hard and as fast as she could. The monster of course charged after her. It swiped at her with its claws and also its tail. One strike barely missing her head, but it hit a tree near her splintering and even shattering some of it, making her scream again and she shielded her head with her arms as she continued to dash.

The rest of the group including Blaze heard her screams. Immediately they were all up and running in the same direction. Archer heard her as well from his location and was making his way too. She saw a large fallen tree that had rotted from the inside. She dived inside of it and began to army crawl as swiftly as possible through it. The scorpion was above it now, and stabbed its tail hard and fast into the rotting wood. Roxy screamed in surprise and continued to maneuver around the best she could to dodge the tail. The tail was now leaving gaping holes in the trunk, and it had began shoving its face inside, and snapping its claws into the holes as well. She saw a risky opening, but if she didn't try something she was done for sure. Steeling herself she crawled out one of the holes sliding under the creature and began slipping out and away. As soon as it realized she took the chance to stand up and sprinted once more. Being small had its perks for hiding and slipping away, but running away from something with a longer stride, and four extra legs to propel itself was a major disadvantage. She had thought by some miracle she might've pulled it off. But a sudden searing pain piercing her side told her otherwise. It was unbearable, and she cried out in agony falling to her knees. Tears streamed down her face as she attempted to stand and continue to get away. However the pain was crippling, so she could only pathetically crawl. She couldn't believe it was going to all end for her this way. She had so many things she wanted to accomplish and now she wouldn't get the chance. She wanted a husband and a family, she wanted to travel and see more of what the universe had to offer, she wanted to explore uncharted areas, and she wanted a home with said husband and family and pets too. Hell she even wanted to be the first to discover that Megalodons still existed, or prove they truly were extinct.

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