To Understand Feelings

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The next morning the group set out. Blaze and Archer had their masks on. Scanning the different fields of vision to be aware of any threats. Archer was leading, and Blaze was guarding everyone from behind. "So I've been meaning to ask. What was that green stuff Roxy was injected with?" Nadia asked Blaze. "Yautja blood." he answered. Nadia nodded. "But why?" she asked further. "Humans make medicines using crab blood. A beast on your planet has antibiotics in its saliva. Is it so surprising that we too may have medicinal properties in our blood or other things?" Archer answered her this time. Nadia nodded again as she thought about it. They really were fascinating. "So then...?" she dragged out her inquiry. "So we mixed our blood with those herbs and created an antivenin, or in another word, antidote. The topical paste was used for detoxification of the affected tissue, and the other was a detox, but also cauterization that promotes healing." Archer replied. Nadia nodded in amazement. "So you're a doctor." Roxy interjected. "I am a hunter that happens to have some medical knowledge." Archer answered. "That's hot." Archer growled and Roxy grinned, "That's hotter."

This part of the trek seemed to be going without a single hitch. Until thunder cracked overhead. Blaze and Archer looked up. Archer typed some things into his gauntlet. Similar to what they had of the pyramid another 3D hologram popped up. But this was of the planet. He pressed a few more buttons and it seemed the thing could even show radar for weather. He started maneuvering through the hologram. "There's another cave we can move to until it passes." He said. The group nodded and followed as he lead the way. In about thirty minutes they reached the cave, but by then the rain already began and the group was damp. Blaze disappeared and quickly returned. Carrying with him some fire supplies. The driest he could find, and he maintained it the best he could by wrapping the bundle in one of the animal hides. He started the fire for them before backing out of the cave. It was a very small cave, unable to hold the six humans plus two hulking aliens and still have a decent sized fire. The hunters had decided the humans could be in the cave with the fire while they stood watch around the entrance. "You guys won't get sick will you? You're kind of reptilian so cold isn't your friend..." Nadia asked quietly. Blaze responded, "We'll be fine." She nodded. Despite the assurance they were fine the group still felt bad, and they wanted the storm to end soon.

The storm didn't end soon. If anything it was continously getting worse. By this time the hunters were in the process of building a shelter. It was impressive how quickly they were able to build it. By the time they were done it was a cozy looking yurt, and they had disappeared inside of it. It made the group feel slightly better, but they still felt guilty. They were all dry by now, and as warm as could be: between the fire Blaze built and also the animal skin blankets they had given them. When the storm finally ended it was already nighttime. The Yautja had gone out and come back with food for everyone. Then they retired back into their yurt. Nadia frowned. "What's the matter with you?" Roxy asked. "I'm in here and Blaze is in there. I'm not going to be able to sleep at all!" she complained. Roxy just rolled her eyes shaking her head. "You, dumbass. Just go in there with them then. Or better yet I will go in there and make your Blaze come in here." She grinned thoughtfully. "Do not jump that man's bones..." Nadia warned. "I'm not going to jump his bones... I will ride the bone." She snickered and Nadia lightly smacked her arm. Roxy didn't wait, she crawled out of the cave and just went right into the yurt. Within just a few minutes Blaze was walking out of the yurt. He glanced inside the cave, and instead of going in he just sat down outside leaning against the embankment.

Nadia slipped out of the cave next. She grabbed Blaze, pulling him to his feet and then took him back to the yurt heading inside together. Archer had his mask off, sitting cross legged and making more arrows. Roxy was fuming and watching him. Nadia giggled. Guess she lost this round. she said internally. Blaze sat down and she immediately cuddled against him. This time she didn't have to move his arm. He understood the assignment finally and just lifted his arm so she could tuck under and then he placed it over her. It was odd, she hadn't seen them wash themselves since this all began and yet they didn't have any odor. In fact Blaze actually smelled good; like bergamot, violet, amber and vanilla. It was as soothing as his voice or the sounds he made could be. She snuggled closer really taking in the scent. She fell asleep in mere minutes.

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