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Roxy looked at Nadia anxiously as she walked in. "You met him?" she asked excitedly. Nadia didn't want to disappoint so she managed a small smile and nodded in excitement as well. Roxy knew her friend a little better than that, so she hugged her. "I know, Di." She said as she rubbed her back. "How much longer until we get home?" Nadia questioned. Roxy shrugged. "If we assume this ship is traveling at the same speed that ours was, it'll be probably about 12 days still." Alec answered. Nadia nodded. "This is going to be so boring." Marissa added. "Only if we never leave the room. Arc never said we had to stay here." Roxy chimed in and the group nodded thoughtfully. "I say lets go exploring then." Claire grinned. The group then all walked out together. Roxy decided if Nadia wasn't in a tourist sort of mood, and wasn't taking every photo imaginable she'd just have to do it for her. She didn't want her to regret later. In their excitement they didn't think about how large the ship was, or that everything looked exactly the same. The group ended up being lost in a labyrinth of grey, and no Yautja were in sight. Claire heard a strange noise and she turned away for just a moment to try and see if she saw something. She thought maybe it'd be one of the hunters and they could help them find their way. She followed the sound to investigate, but all she found was a whole lot of nothing. To make matters worse when she turned to head back to the group they were nowhere in sight. She couldn't even hear them. She bit her lip. "Hey you guys?" she called out nervously. No one answered and she groaned. Panic immediately setting in. The chief said they'd be fine, but all Claire could think of was her getting surrounded by a wall of massive alien reptiles. She'd be totally alone and totally helpless. Her mind was wandering everywhere. What if they devoured her? Or ravaged her?

She turned to go the way she came from. Standing still now only meant the others were getting farther away. She started to jog. Rounding a corner she crashed into something warm and solid, sending her falling back and landing on her ass. She looked up, and saw legs, she looked farther up and saw an armored torso, craning her neck even further her eyes finally landing on a pair of dark inset eyes staring back. She screamed scooting backwards. The Yautja above her just stared down at her. He stepped towards her and began reaching for her. She screamed covered her head with her arms, "Don't eat or ravage me!" She cried. She felt a hand wrap around her wrist. With a surprisingly gentle grip, and no effort at all the Yautja pulled her to her feet. Claire stood and looked at him slowly. The Yautja just watched her with an arched brow, as if asking: What the hell is wrong with you? Claire took him in. Like Blaze he was charcoal black. But rather than the science fiction dinosaur Blaze resembled, this one resembled a black night leopard gecko. He was mostly black, but his toned and tight abdomen was a grayish white. Breaking up the colors of his back and abdomen were the leopard spots. She stared into his eyes. Stormy gray and black cobwebbed together, forming an almost honey comb-like pattern across his irises. Of course the look was complete with the diamond shaped pupils. Claire's jaw slightly dropped. She held up her wrist device, and snapped a photo of him. He narrowed his eyes at her. He wore armor just like Blaze and Archer, but on his back two katana were criss-crossed forming an X behind him. She then got stuck on deciding his name. Blade, X, Samurai, Kunai, Nyx, Noir, Night and even Katana were all in her head.

She realized the way he was staring at her after she took his photo. "I'm sorry but you are one beautiful mother fucker." She blurted out. He began typing into his wrist gauntlet, because of her time spent with Blaze and Archer she knew he must've been searching for translations too. As he did that she just stared at him. Her biologist nerd of a brain just wanted to take him apart and put him back together. She never really had the time to view Archer and Blaze that way, they were too busy running for their lives and saving their lives. But now that she thought about it, and wasn't staring death in the face daily, they were a very mysterious, unique and fascinating species. She wanted to know them inside and out. She may consider finding her friends first though. "You can kind of understand me right? Can you take me to the other humans? We are all very lost..." She said quietly. The beautiful badass stopped looking at his gauntlet to look at her instead. He simply nodded his head once. We do love a strong, silent type. Claire thought. He moved around her and she followed him. She couldn't stop her eyes from scanning every single detail, even lowering to his ass, no matter how hard she tried. It may have been covered in their armored skirt belt, but anyone could tell it was plump. She eventually reeled her eyes away and began distracting herself with other things as she followed.

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