Mission Seară

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The humans waved to each other one last time, before half disappeared into the invisible Yautja ship, and the rest went to the space port. "Well... Since you are going to be with us for quite some time. You each have your own room. Except for you Nadia. You of course will be with my brother." Archer said. Blaze trilled, and Nadia smiled clinging to his waist. "Why are you guys in your armor again?" Claire asked. "We don't set foot outside of our ships without it. This is our code, and also for our protection. We have a breathing apparatus. Without it we wouldn't be able to survive your environment. With it, we can't stay longer than a week at a time. Hunting is slightly difficult when you cannot respirate. Also we have been assigned a mission we are going to now." Archer replied. All three females were in shock. The heavy breathing after fighting the serpents at the camp was truly them starting to be unable to breathe. They were on that planet for more than a week. Roxy smacked Archer's arm. "You could've suffocated!" she lectured. "We had a mission to complete." he replied matter of factly. "You guys are the craziest, most suicidal, biggest bastards I've ever met." She scoffed. "We are not crazy, nor suicidal. We are bound by honor." Archer said defensively. "Yeah yeah, honor this and code that. Can you guys consider our hearts before you go blowing yourselves up and sacrificing yourselves though? Broken hearts are a true cause of death in any living species that has one... Or several." Roxy said. "We will consider... But we do not make promises we cannot keep." Archer said flatly. Roxy huffed and looked at Nadia. "Are you sure you want to mate into this family?" she asked, and Nadia tightened her grip around Blaze.

Archer guided Roxy to her new room, while Blade took Claire to hers. Before he left Claire grabbed his arm. He looked at her. "Is it dangerous?" she asked and Blade tilted his head. "The mission that Archer was talking about." She specified. Blade just shook his head no. She let him go. "Then good luck." She said and she smiled at him. Blade's eyes seemed to light up and he trilled at her. He then left her in her room. Claire watched him leave smiling to herself. His eyes always seemed to light up anytime he saw her. She felt that somehow if they could smile he would smile at her too. But since they physically could not smile or make any expressions, their eyes and their actions revealed everything. It made her feel very special; the way his eyes brightened at her presence, and the way he protected her even in the simplest situations. The reason she had decided to come back was because she knew she'd never see that look again or feel the same comfort. She'd have spent her whole life missing it and wishing for it. She didn't want that, so here she was. Her wrist communicator beeped and she looked at it. Someone had sent her a map, and it looked like it was of this ship. Claire smiled again. She didn't have them in her contacts so she knew it had to be one of the Yautja, most likely Blade. "Listen, this time for every scratch you get I will sing Henry the eighth for an hour each scratch. You nearly die and go comatose on me again then I will scream it all day every day until you wake up." Nadia threatened as she looked sternly at Blaze. He growled and she smiled as she watched him type something into her comms device. "I'm giving you a map of this ship. I've programmed it for a few places specifically. You can find your way to the rooms of your friends and anywhere on this ship. It's what we were using to manuever through the pyramid. Just stay away from the scientists in the lab." He said, and he handed her comms device back to her. Nadia nodded as she put the device back on. The view screen lit up in all their rooms and an image of Noian could be seen staring back at them. "We are going to hyperjump again, humans. Get ready." He said. His image was then replaced by the same countdown they had displayed earlier. The girls all got ready as the countdown ended. They would never get used to the feeling of leaving their guts millions of miles from their bodies.

Once they were out of hyperjump Archer, Blade and Blaze all put their masks on. Outside of their rooms windows they could see a planet. Whatever this planet was it wasn't beautiful like Earth. It was lifeless, and looked like the surface was just one harsh wasteland after another based on its colors from here. It was making Nadia nervous. There was white which meant it was frozen and cold in places. Otherwise it was brown. Nothing about it said it was an environment that benefitted the Yautja. Whatever the mission was they were at a disadvantage. Nadia turned and looked at Blaze, who had his mask on. Nadia wrapped her arms around him hugging him tightly. He hugged her too. Standing on her tiptoes, she made him bend down and she pressed her lips to the mouth part of his mask. "Come back to me again." she said softly and Blaze trilled. Meanwhile Roxy felt the same unease. "There are no trees. What about you?' She asked Archer and Archer shrugged. "There are still elevations and peaks. I'll be fine." he replied, his helmet on as well. "Can I ask what this mission is?" she looked at him. "You have met Seară yes? You call him Blade. He is... Different. Looks unique, acts unique, dark eyes when we are predominantly gold or brown eyed?" he said and Roxy nodded. "Would you care for a story before I go?" he asked and Roxy nodded.

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