Bittersweet Reunion

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Once Blaze had all of his items organized and his wounds were dressed he stood up. Nadia stood with him, practically bubbling with excitement. They were going to find everyone, Blaze knew exactly where to go and where they were. Better yet, if they came across any of those terrible serpents she had this big guy beside her. He may be an alien from a fierce and almost savage race, but he had her trust way more than those marines did. She still couldn't believe she had reached a part of her dream. Except when she was a little girl, she had fantasies about her savior returning, secretly being a handsome prince, and they'd fall in love, be married and live happily ever. She chuckled at the memory. They weren't even human, much less handsome princes, and she hadn't even seen the face under the mask. But judging by the claws and the skin, she was expecting giant, flat-faced lizard man. Wonder where the tail is. Maybe it falls off and grows back like geckos. She thought and started laughing.

Blaze turned his gaze to her watching her silently. Humans were odd beings. What could possibly be so amusing? He shook his head with a clicking growl and kept walking. Keeping himself focused on their surroundings. Changing his fields of vision, and scanning for any serpents. His wrist band clicked, and he saw on the edge of his vision that his brother, Gheaţă, had notified him. Stating the strategy was to regroup and head to the heart of the pyramid to finish this. Blaze responded informing him of his mission to return the human female. Gheaţă responded that he will meet him there along with their comrade and their communication ended.

Nadia stayed close to Blaze as he led the way. She had a strong urge to hug him, hold onto him, cling to him even, but she resisted it because she knew he'd get pissed. Though her mind was wandering, imagining what it must be like to be embraced by something that large, that strong and that warm. The race had women she knew, even fiercer than their men supposedly. She envied them in more ways than one. They were stronger than her, and apparently the men were better than all the human assholes she'd met in her life. She really wished Blaze could or would talk. She had so many questions. How old was he? What's his home like? What are their families like? Did they have traditions or holidays? What's his real name? Did he know the Yautja that saved her all those years ago? If he did was he still alive? What was their average life span? Just so so many questions. She bit her lip. "Hey, Big Guy?" she said softly. Blaze didn't look at her but he clicked letting her know he was listening. "How old are you?" she asked. Blaze tilted his head. "Your age. What is your age? For example I am 26 years old. What about you?" She rephrased. Blaze tilted his head side to side as if truly thinking about the question. His best response was clicking eighteen times. Nadia paused briefly, her jaw dropping. "Does that mean you're only 18?" she said flabbergasted. Blaze nodded his head once. "Oh my God!" She said gripping her hair, and jogged a little to catch up to him. "I mean holy shit... You're only 18!? But you're huge! And already so skilled... I would be afraid to meet one twice your age." She said mostly to herself. Blaze trilled softly. Something about that sound was so calming. Almost like a cat's purr.

"Then... Do you have a girlfriend?" she questioned again. Blaze tilted his head. Typing something into his wristband and reading through it. The symbols that appeared looked identical to the ones that were engraved decoratively in the stone of this pyramid. So the language was theirs. Which is why she couldn't translate everything. The pieces were starting to fall into place. Either the Yautja built this pyramid, or they are the ones that taught this ancient culture however many years ago. Blaze seemed to get the answer he was searching for, because he shook his head no. For some reason Nadia was happy to hear or rather see that answer. She paused again. Was she getting jealous? Did she start crushing on the big guy? Sure she had been a fangirl of their species for a long time, but she'd only met Blaze a few hours ago. He wasn't even human, he had growled at her, roared at her, killed people, almost left her to die, even scared her sometimes and he didn't even speak! Nadia what is wrong with you? she thought to herself and sighed.

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