Valuable Merchandise

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Kibbles wakes up, laying on the floor, his arms pinned underneath him. He pushes himself up and realizes his wrists are tied together. He sits up and looks around, he sees Ranboo laying on his back, his wrists also tied. He stands up, looking around. "A dungeon?" He says out loud. "Did we get arrested?" "No, you haven't been arrested, pirate." A short man says as he walks in front of the bars. "Who are you?" Kibbles says cautiously.  "I'm glad you asked!" the man says smiling. "I'm Quackity! Quackity of Las Navades!" "God damn it. Why did dream send us here." Kibbles says under his breath. "What do you want from us?" He asks angrily. "There was a rumor that you two where valuable. And I payed a good friend to send you here to see if it was true." "Tsk. What do you mean valuable?" Kibs asks. Quackity puts his arm through the bars and grabs Kibbles loose shirt, pulling his up to the bars. "You don't bandage your whole torso for fashion." He pulls the front of his shirt down, revealing bandages across Kibs chest. "Get off!" Kibs pulls away, walking back to the other side of the small room. Quackity smiles. "Thanks for confirming!" He walks away not saying anything else. Kibs turns around and kicks the wall angrily. Yelling out. "GOD DAMNIT." Ranboo jumps to the loud noise. Waking up suddenly. He sits up and looks around. "What happened? Where are we?" "We've been kidnapped by Quackity." He says sliding his back down the wall. "We have?" Ranboo looks around the dungeon. Kibbles doesn't respond, he starts chewing on the rope tying his wrists together. "What about the others? Did they get captured too?" Ranboo asks. Kibs stops chewing. "I don't think so. Someone already got the captain and Tommy and Tubbo are just human." "Already got the captain? What?" "Never mind." Kibs says leaning his head against the wall. Then another person walks in, they are wearing a similar outfit to Quackity, but it's green. "Hello Kibbles from Dream SMP and Ranboo from- nowhere." Kibs glares at him. "How do you know that? I'm not even part of the SMP anymore." He ignores the question. "Quackity of Las Navades requested that you come with me." Kibbles stands up. "And why should we?" "Because he said to." The man responds. Ranboo stands up as well. "What does he want?" He asks. "Come with me and you will find out." He opens the bar door and steps aside. "If you do not cooperate I will have to use force." Ran and Kibs look at each other, then Ran steps out. Kibbles doesn't move. "Kibbles from Dream SMP, please come with me." "I am not part of the SMP and I am not coming with you." Kibs starts to chew on his binds again. The man sighs and steps next to Ranboo, leaving room for another man to walk in. He is wearing untraditional clothes for such a wealthy city, simple purple shirt and brown pants, he seems to be around the same age as Kibbles and Ranboo. He walks directly into the cell, walking towards Kibbles. Kibbles instinctively goes into a fighting stance, using his for arms as a shield. "Back off!" He says. The purple man grabs his arms and puts a knife right to his throat. "You will cooperate." He says menacingly. "Fine! Just get that knife off of me!" Kibbles comes back with the same energy. He pulls away the knife and pushes Kibs toward the cell door. Kibs reluctantly follows the green man. They walk into a room with a pool. "Thank you for bringing them Slimecicle!" Quackity says happily. Slime nods and steps out, locking the door behind him. Then the purple kid steps in front of the door, guarding it. "Care for a little swim?" Quackity asks. "Um- why?" Ranboo asks sounding genuinely confused. "Rumor is one of you is a mermaid!" Quackity says pointing at the both of them. "So why don't you take a little swim?" Kibs and Ran look at each other. Ranboo shrugs and walks towards the pool. "Um- I need my arms to swim." He says to Quackity. "Of coarse." Quackity says untying his binds. Ranboo nods calmly and sits down at the edge of the pool, dipping his feet in. He contemplates for a second then takes off his shirt. Then he drops the rest of the way into the pool. He swims around on his back, his legs staying human legs. "Interesting." Quackity says, then he looks at Kibs. "And you?" Kibs looks at the pool. "Will you untie my binds?" Quackity laughs. "As long as you get in." Kibbles walks over and Quackity unties his binds. Kibbles stares at his free wrists for a second, then he walks over to the edge of the pool, sits down, and dips his feet in. He doesn't move from there. "All the way." Quackity says. "Tch-" kibbles responds, then he pushes off the side into the pool, shivers going down his back. He stands there in the cold water, his arms crossed, watching Ranboo swim. Then he turns to Quackity. "Can I get out now? It's freezing!" He says angrily. "Yes you can." Quackity responds. Kibbles quickly turns around and pulls himself out of the pool, standing shivering. "Why is the water so cold?" He says rubbing his arms. "Mermaids are cold blooded, they aren't bothered by the cold water." Quackity responds looking at Ranboo. "Though still not tail or gills." Ranboo swims over and gets out of the pool, putting his shirt back on.  "Can I have a towel!?" Kibbles says, his teeth clattering. Quackity chuckles and hands him a towel. "You on the other hand seem very susceptible to the cold." "I could punch you right now." Kibbles says angrily. "Ah yes thank you for reminding me." Quackity says. "Purpled." The purple kid walks over to kibbles and grabs his wrists forcing them behind his back, his towel falling to the ground. Kibbles winces, feeling his back pinch. After Purpled ties his wrists Ranboo come over and puts towel over his shoulders. "I'd like to test something else now." Quackity says "follow me." He brings them too a small room with a table chair in the middle. "Kibbles sit on the chair." Quackity says. "Ranboo you can stand to the side, be good and you can keep your wrists untied." Ran nods and steps to the side, leaning against the wall. Purpled pushes Kibbles further into the room. "Will you stop pushing me??" Kibs says angrily. "Calm down and come sit." "Ugh what even is the point of this? I'm wet and freezing and tied up I hate this!" He sits down and as soon as he sits he is yanked into a lying position, awkwardly on top of his arms. "Ow hey!" He says angrily. Slimecylcle, who kibbles hadn't even noticed, walks to the side of the table and flips him onto his stomach. Quackity rips of his shirt in one swoop, revealing the bandages that are wrapped top to bottom on Kibbles back. Kibbles squirms. "What the hell?? This is some perverted shit!" Under the wet bandages there is unnatural movement. Quackity grabs a knife out of his pocket and cuts the bandages, slowly revealing pitch black feathers. "Get off me! Stop! Ranboo help me!" Kibbles yells and kicks, his movement causing loose feathers to fly. Ranboo takes a step forwards then purpled grabs him. "Sorry mermaid, can't help him." He grabs his wrists more gently then he did for Kibbles. Kibs continues to squirm as Quackity cuts the rest of the bandages off. He puts his forehead on the table in defeat and stops struggling. Quackity strokes his wings and he shivers, his wings visibly quivering. "What beautiful wings, I wonder if it would be more money to sell the whole body or just the wings?" He says in awe. Kibbles then aggressively outstretched his wings, knocking over both slimecycle and Quackity. He rolls into his back as Purpled comes over to him. He kicks him in the chest, knocking him into the wall. He pushes himself up and off the table. "Open the door Ranboo c'mon!" Ranboo quickly opens the door and the both run out, down the hall to a flight of stairs, and go up to the floor above. There are windows on this floor. "The doors gotta be here somewhere." Ranboo says looking around. There are footsteps behind them, running towards them. "No time." Kibbles says and be backs up. Then he sprints full speed and hurls himself through a window, glass flying everywhere as he tumbled to the ground, he tucks his wings as the rolls. Ranboo quickly jumps through the window, landing on his feet. "We gotta get back to the ship!" He says as he helps kibbles up. Purpled climbs out of the broken window as they start to run through the startled and confused crowd. Kibbles keeps his winds tucked the best he can but he can still feel his feathers catching onto peoples clothing, he can also feel several people run their hands through his wings, pulling chunks of feathers. One person grabs his wing, pulling him back. "FUCK" kibs winces as the pain shoots down his spine. Several people surround him. He can hear them fighting over his wings. "I'm going to be rich!" "I got to it first!" "Get out of my way it's mine!" He struggles to get up with the people surrounding him and his arms being awkwardly tied behind his back, restraining the movement of his wings. People stepped on his wings and kicked his sides, making his wings and back ache more and more. Suddenly a gunshot goes off and the people go still. Then a path through the crowd opens up, Quackity, Slimecylcle and Purpled walking through. "Now now people do not worry, I will be selling the Elytrian and all of the gold will go to the city! For all of you!" A buzz rises among the crowd as the three get to Kibbles. Slimecylcle and purpled each grab one of his arms and pick him up. Then another gunshot goes off from the other side of the crowd. Another path opening up, this time for Captain Willbur, Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo. Will calmly walks down the path, making it very obvious that his pistol could kill any one of the people if they made one wrong move. "I think you have got my little brother." Will says menacingly, pointing the pistol at Quackity. "So give him back." Quackity smiles, pointing his pistol back at Will. "I caught it. It's mine to sell." They stare each other down as the crowd stares in anticipation. Then Tommy steps forward, walking right through the opening towards Kibbles, pulling out his sword. Quackity watches him, locked in his showdown with Will. Tommy puts his sword up to Purled. "Let go or it's your head." Then Tubbo walks up to Slimecylcle, pointing his sword. "I'm sure we could easily sell your organs for just as much as his wings." He says menacingly. Slime and Purpled look at each other then let go of kibbles, putting their hands up. Kibs walks past the both of them going back to Will and Ranboo, stepping behind Will. Quackity stands, his eyes locked with Wills, then they dart towards Kibbles as he shifts his aim and shoots at Kibbles. Kibbles quickly covers himself with his wings, turning his body. The bullet goes through his wing and hits the back of his shoulder, he yells out and and steps forward, stopping himself from falling. Will shifts his aim downward and hits Quackity in the gut. Quackity drops his pistol and folds into himself, dropping onto his knees. Slimecylcle and Purpled run over to Quackitys side. Tommy and Tubbo walk back to the group. "Let's go." Willbur says as he turns to go back to the ship.

2004 words

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