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Willbur stands on the starboard side of the main deck, fighting whoever comes off of Boat SMP. Dream swings down from above, landing directly in front of him. "Dream." Will says bluntly. "Captain Willbur." Dream says slyly. He bows mockingly. "I see you have caused some problems with my client." Will glares at him, sword in hand. "I have come to retrieve the merchandise." Dream says, unsheathing his sword. Will readies his sword. "I don't think so." They swing at the same time, landing and blocking blows over and over. Meanwhile Tubbo and Tommy are fighting a hoard of people, who's numbers grow by the minute. They are outnumbered two to nine. Tubbo swings his sword at his opponent, though they are much bigger then him. They meet his sword in the air and hit it so hard with their own it snaps in half. Tubbo pulls back his arm and looks at the half of the sword still with him. "Uh- Tommy?" He says, backing up. "Not now Tubs, kinda busy!" He stabs the person he is fighting in the arm, only for them to back out and be replaced by another. The person in front of Tubbo swings his sword from the side, aiming for his neck. Tubbo quickly ducks down, feeling the force of the sword over his head. "Tommy!" He says annoyed as he is crouched down low, then a big boot comes flying at him, hitting him directly in the head. The force makes him roll to the side, he grips his head as he sees stars. "Tubbo!" Tommy yells. He starts to run towards him but then jumps back, dodging a sword. It is now eight to 1. "Shit." Someone grabs him by the collar of his shirt. Another grabs his arm and twists it, forcing him to drop his sword. "Get them to open the door." The person holding him demands. "No!" Tommy yells back at them. They lift him off the ground, another person points their sword at his chest. "Do it." They demand again. Tommy glares. "Fine." They put him down and push him toward the door, the person pointing their sword to his back. "Kibbles! Ranboo!" He yells at the door. "We need you to come help!" Kibbles and Ranboo look at each other. "I still hear fighting." Ranboo says. "Yeah- why does Tommy need our help?" Kibs looks at the door. "What if he's being forced too?" Ranboo suggests. "Maybe." Kibbles says, standing and unsheathing both his swords. Then a cannon goes off. Then several more. Kibs drops his swords and ducks down next to Ranboo as a cannonball flies through the wall of the Captains Quarters. They look up and two people climb in through the new hole. They recognize them both as Sapnap and George from Boat SMP. Kibs quickly grabs his swords, handing one to Ranboo. Sapnap holds a pistol and George holds a sword. "We are not being kidnapped for a second time!" Kibs stands and points his sword at them. They walk towards them. "Captain wants you, so we get you." Sapnap says simply, pointing the pistol. Ranboo stands up, holding the sword with both hands. He steps forward. "We are not going with you!" He charges forward with the sword above his head. George steps forward and swings his sword, meeting Ranboo's, the force of the blow pushing him back. Another cannon ball fires, flying between the two groups. It makes a clean hole on both sides of the cabin. "That's going to be a pain to repair-" Kibs says. "But I think it's a bit convenient at the moment." He grabs Ranboo's forearm and run over to the new hole. Sapnap aims his pistol at them. "Don't shoot." George says. "The captain said to take them alive." Kibbles and Ranboo climb out of the opening and grab onto a net dangling on the side of the ship. Ranboo looks down at the water. "We might only have one way to go." Kibs follows his gaze. "No way! I'm not going in there I'll just fly." Ranboo looks at him. "Yeah ok,
If you want to be shot right out of the sky." Kibs grumbles. "Uh- well I ain't going in there!" Ranboo rolls his eyes and grabs kibs shirt, leaning back and trust falling right into the water, dragging Kibs with him. "ACK WA-" kibs yells before he plunges into the water.

Tommy looks back at the people

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Tommy looks back at the people. "Hehe- I tried?" One of the guys scoffs and shoves him to the side, he kicks the door, ounce... twice... BAM! The door crunches as it breaks, flying open. The room is completely empty. "What the-" the guy says, Turing to look at Tommy. Tommy isn't there. He looks at the others "where did they go!?" They look around at each other and shrug. "UGH." The man yells as he stomps away, towards the rest of the fighting. Tommy drags Tubbo to a hidden hatch in the floor, used to get below deck in emergencies. He opens the hatch, and scoops Tubbo up. "This is going to hurt-" he jumps down, landing hard on his feet, then stumbling back and falling on his tailbone, Tubbo still in his arms. "Ooowww" he puts Tubbo down and quickly stands up, slightly limping as he moves over to a crate, quickly pushing it over under the hatch. He stands on it and closes the hatch. He goes back over to Tubbo and crouches down next to him. "Tubbo? Wake up man." He shakes his shoulder slightly. "Tubbo?" He hears banging above them. Then Tubbo groans, putting a hand to his head. "Tubbo! Are you ok?" He helps him sit up. "Ow- what's going on? Where are we?" He looks around. "I had to use the panic hatch, we got way overpowered." Tommy responds. "Did they get to Ranboo? And Kibs?" Tubbo looks concerned. "No- I don't think so- the cabin was empty." Tommy stands up, putting his weight on his left foot. "Where did they go?" Tubbo asks, slowly standing up. Tommy walks to the back of the room, opening a crate. "I have no clue, there was holes from the cannons, so maybe they jumped into the water?" He digs through the crate, pulling out a new sword. "This'll work-" Tubbo walks over. "Or they got kidnapped-" Tommy sighs, and pulls out another, shorter and more curved sword. "Here." He hands it to Tubbo. Tubbo takes it. "Thanks."

Kibs kicks and flails his arms, his head breaking the surface of the water. He gasps, then he's pulled back under as another wave rolls over him. He can feel himself be dragged down, panic starting to build up in his chest as he tries to swim back towards the surface. He feels the air hit his face and he takes another breath. He looks up and sees a cannonball from the L'manburg fly towards the unknown ship, as it hits, wood flies out. A big chunk flies right at him, landing right next the him, the force of it pushing him, causing him to go under again. He squirms helplessly as he is pushed down by the force of the water. Then he sees a flash of black and white, feeling arms wrap around his torso under his arms. Then he feels himself being pulled along for a few seconds before he is brought up to the surface again. He gasps and clings onto Ranboo, shaking from cold and adrenaline. "Why'd you do that??? I could have died!" Ranboo just sighs "you're fine, this is much better then being sold for your wings." He says calmly. Kibs looks around, the ships are much further away from them now. "Wow you swim fast." "Yeah it comes with the tail." Ranboo responds. He flips his tail up, water splashing. They both look back at the ships, faint yelling coming from them. The yelling has changed. "What's going on?" Ranboo asks. The yelling has becomes panicked, and the ships have started to separate. "I have no clue- it doesn't look like there's a distinct winner, and nobodies sinking." They both continue to watch. Then something bursts out of the water, in between the L'manburg and the foreign boat. "Woah-" kibs says in shock. "Oh crap." Ranboo says.
"That's a sea monster."

1391 words

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