Sea Monster

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Tommy runs up the stairs, Tubbo right behind him. He bursts through the hatches onto the main deck. People are frantically scurrying around the deck, many of them trying to get back onto their boats. The screaming and yelling is so loud it's hard to tell what's going on. Tommy grabs Jacks arm as he runs by, pulling him back. "Jack! What the hells going on??" Jack looks genuinely scared "THERES A FUCKING SEA MONSTER CIRCLING US" he practically screams in their faces. Tubbo and Tommy look at each other then run to the railing, leaning over to look at the water, then a two headed Mostar bursts out of the water, the force tipping the ship, people sliding across the deck. Tubbo grabs the railing, then grabs Tommy's hand as he starts to slide. They look down and multiple people slide off the side, right into the water. As the ship tips again and starts to level, the monster looks around at the ships. Then pistols go off from the foreign ship, catching the monsters attention. It moves both its heads in a slithering motion, eying the ship. Tommy gathers his footing and starts to run towards the helm. A tail swings out of no where, sweeping right over the deck. Tommy drops onto his knees, sliding right under it. He continues to run up the stairs and grabs onto the wheel, quickly turning it to move the boat away from the monster. Just barley over the shouting he can hear the captain giving orders to get the ship moving. On the other side of the foreign ship, Tommy can see the Dream SMP already retreating. The ship in between them however, is being smashed and crushed as the monster attacks. As people start to work together the ship starts to move. People hold onto railings and ropes as the ship gets rocked around. Tommy steers then around the monster, holding his breath, praying the monster doesn't notice them. He lets out his breath with a sigh of relief ounce they've successfully moved a safe distance away from the monster. The crew watches as people jump from the sides of the boat behind them. The ship splitting in half as the monster drags it down. Wilbur comes up behind Tommy and puts his hand on his shoulder. Tommy looks up at him. "Good job first mate." The captain says with a smile. Tommy smiles back at him.
Kibs and Ranboo watch as the boats separate, heading in opposite directions away from the monster. The ship that it attacked almost fully under the water now. "I don't know if that was a miracle or not." Kibs says. "Well I feel like our ship would have sunk if they kept at it soooo maybe?" Ranboo replies. Another shiver goes up Kibbles back and he can feel his wings start to ache. "Can we go back now? I'm freezing." "Oh yeah haha I forgot the water is cold for you." Ranboo says. "Her grab my shoulders, you can ride on my back so you aren't fully submerged in the water." Kibs grabs his shoulder. "We better hurry it's getting dark, if it's too dark we won't be able to see the ship." Ranboo nods. He starts swimming, tho it doesn't feel as fast as it did when they were fully under the water.
Tubbo looks out to the water, in the direction of the sea monster. The sun is going down and he can barley see anything, just an orange red glow on the water. Niki walks up and stands next to him, putting her hands on the rail. "Hey Tubbo, you ok?" She says, worried. "Yeah, I'm fine." He says simply. "What's bothering you?" She says. "I'm just worried, Ranboo and Kibs aren't anywhere on the ship- what if they got kidnapped again? What if they're being sold off right now?" He says, leaning his elbows on the rail, putting his hands on his face. "I'm sure they're alright, they're both strong and they both have ways of escaping, I'm sure they got this under control." Niki says. "Mhm." Tubbo responds, unconvinced. Niki turns around and leans on the rail, looking over at Wilbur. He is pacing, looking around the water occasionally. Niki can tell he is trying to stay calm and set a good example for the rest. She can also tell how worried he is, he's been through this before, and doesn't want his brother to go through the same thing. Tubbo perks up suddenly. "Guys! Guys look!" He points out over the water. Wilbur quickly goes over, leaning against the rail. "Holy shit that's them-" he says, then he quickly goes to the helm. "Hoist the sails! Drop the anchor!" He calls out to the crew. They look confused but do as he says and soon enough they've come to a full stop. Tubbo rushes down to the main deck going over to the spare boat, Wilbur right behind them. "Tommy!" Wilbur calls and within seconds Tommy is right beside them. They all get in the boat and are hoisted down. Tommy and Tubbo row towards their friends. Kibs pats Ranboo's shoulder blade, signaling him to slow down. Ranboo lifts his head out of the water. "Yeah?" He looks back at Kibs, very out of breath. "Look, they spotted us, they have a boat coming to get us. Ranboo looks over and sees the boat. He nods and ducks back down into the water, swimming as fast as he can. When they get to the boat Tommy, Tubbo and Wilbur help pull them in. Ranboo flops onto his back, heaving for breath. Kibs sits on the floor, hugging himself and shivering. "Where were you?!" Wilbur says, a mix of worry and anger in his voice. "W-wow- yes Wilbur I'm d-doing great thanks for asking." He tries to curl up as tight as possible, feeling like the water soaked all the way to his bones. Wilbur doesn't respond. "C-can we please just go back? I'm f-freezing and Ranboo's been swimming for like an hour." Tommy nods and they start to row back.

1027 words

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