Chapter One: Opportunities

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Light beamed through the dining room window, blinding the words that were printed on the newspaper. "Wouldn't it be better to just settle down with a rich man since your luck with jobs isn't exactly great?" My father said with a hint of disappointment. "I'd rather not be someone's object." I sneered back at him, a bit offended by the unnecessary comment.

I've been trying to find a decent and steady job to support myself for about two years now. The day after my senior graduation in 1977 my parents have been hassling me to move out. Every job I've had so far has either paid too little or worked me to the point I don't have time to eat, let alone try to find a small apartment to rent.

"Well maybe if you tried going out and asking places, you wouldn't have to be." My father replied, just making my eyes roll. I turned my body away from him, as I looked through the job section on the daily paper. It's not like we lived in a large town or city, so my options were pretty limited.

"Hawkins Power & Light: Security, paying $25/hour" The newspaper read. I debated a bit trying to think if a position as security would just mean watching cameras or walking around. Either way, it couldn't be as bad as retail, right?

I drove with a cutout of the address and a map in my lap trying to find the building. Being that it was out of town a bit, it was a little difficult to find. I wish there was a device that could just give me directions instead of fighting an oversized piece of paper.

A large fence came into view, along with a guard station next to the gate. I slow my car down and push the paper off my lap as I pulled up to the window. "State your business." Said the man wearing a dark uniform. I handed him the cutout of the newspaper, "I wanted an application." I said trying to sound confident. The man looked me up and down and chuckled a bit, "Young girl like you want a job like this, times surely be changing." He said with a sarcastic tone, "Go ahead and park and let the guards that the front door know." He pressed a button to open the gate to let me through.

The building seemed pretty guarded and big for an electric company, I tried to reason with myself as it was probably the only one for miles, but I still don't understand the guards. The anxiety that I was in the wrong place settled a bit once I saw the multiple vans reading, "Hawkins Power and Light".
I parked my car and got out, heading towards the glass doors and the two guards standing in front of them.

It's not like I'm here for an interview, so why am I so nervous? Is it the atmosphere of this place?

As I approached the door one of the guards stepped forward. "Business?" Wow, not even a full sentence with this one. "I'm here to get an application." I calmly stated, watching the man glance at his coworker. He grabbed a card from his belt and swiped it on the keypad next to the door. The guard held the door open for me and gestured for me to enter.

The lobby was cold and white, everywhere was tiled and the place smelled sterile. I was a bit taken aback by how official this building seemed, but I tried pushing my suspicions back down. The guard snapped me out of my thoughts as his finger went in front of my face, pointing at the desk at the end of the lobby. "Go let them know and they can take care of you." He said monotone.

Approaching the desk I was hit with a strong smell of lavender perfume, "Excuse me, ma'am, I'm here for an application." I managed to gasp out from the perfume blocking my lungs. The woman looked up and sighed as she fumbled at the desk looking for the paper. "Here you go dear, you'll have to fill it out here so go over to those benches over there and bring it back when you're done." I glanced over at the wooden benches as she handed me a clipboard and pen.

Was I underqualified for this job? This place seemed way above my league, but the pay made it seem worth it to try.

The application was longer than the ones I usually filled out but I assumed with the security here it was probably necessary. I glanced up at the camera pointing right at me, blinking red. I got a bit hoot knowing I would probably just have to watch cameras. Well, reading while sitting in front of screens.

I handed my application back to the lady with a small smile, trying to at least make a decent impression but she just sneered and took the paper. "I'll get this in and we'll have someone call the number on here to have you back." She said, pushing the paper to a basket. "How long do you think?" She looked up, annoyed that I dare keep talking to her. "About a week." And with that answer, I left.


I waited for a call for a few days, those few days turned to a week, and the week turned to a couple of weeks. I was about to just accept a job at the video store at this point.

Walking by the phone in the kitchen one morning it rang, I ran over to it and answered, half expecting it to just be one of my parents' friends. But luckily for me, it wasn't. An older man's voice echoed through the phone,

"Is this the Faye residence?"
"Yes, Sophie speaking."
"Excellent! Going over your application, I'd like you to come in today if you're available for an interview and I have a few questions for you too."
"Umm, yeah I'm free to come today, what time?" I glanced up at the clock reading 1:23 PM
"How does 4 o'clock sound ma'am?"
"Perfect, I'll see you then."


Hiii! Sorry for such a short and boring first chapter, I promise i have big plans for this the more it goes on! And I promise that we get a bunch of interaction with Peter in the next chapter. That saying, chapters will probably be longer than this first one so don't mind the slow start it'll pick up pace here in a bit!
Thx for reading!!!

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