Chapter Two: The Missing Nineteenth

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"So Ms. Faye, I noticed you've had a few jobs where you worked the night shift? I see you had a job at a 24-hour convenience store, and I also see you did night shifts for retail. I'm assuming you are okay with night shifts then, am I correct?" An older man spoke to me with my application and resume, which I brought in hand. His hair was icy white and his face wrinkled with age.

"Yes sir, I'm open to any position," I replied, sucking up as much as possible. "I see, would you be open for us to run a background check on you?" He looked up at me as I nodded, I could hear him speak slightly under his breath, "Good, we already did one..." He shuffled through the papers again looking for my references, "We already called your references and I see you are a pretty hard worker and even work overtime?" I nod as he smiles with approval.

"Well Sophie, I appreciate you coming in today and I'll call you back in the next twenty-four to forty-eight hours to let you know our decision." He stood and opened the door to escort me out. "I appreciate your time Mr., Brenner." I smile and walk out of the room and into a hallway that led to the lobby.

Great. Another waiting game by the phone, hopefully, they stick to their word.


I awoke that next morning to a ringing in the kitchen. I groaned, trying to open my groggy eyes, wiping the eye boogers out of their corners. I force my body out of bed and head down the stairs. The ringing stopped as I was walking but started again once I got into the kitchen.

"Hello...?" I groggily say into the phone. "Hello Ms. Faye, we've decided to accept you onto our team, you'll start Monday, February 5th." A woman's voice echoed on the phone. Weird, they didn't mention a time. "You also need to be here today at 5 PM for a meeting to discuss your hours and conditions." And like that she hung up. I looked at the calendar on the fridge hung up with magnets.

"Friday, February 2nd"

I put myself together that afternoon and headed back to the place, going through the gate and meeting the guards at the front door. Mr. Brenner was in the lobby to greet me this time. "Ah, Sophie! Great that you could make it." I walked over towards him, "Before we can make you an official employee we just need you to fill out some paperwork and discuss some things" He said smiling, but it left chills down my spine when he smiled.

Following Mr. Brenner, he took me through two double doors that led into a white-tiled hallway. "My office isn't too far from here." He said, noticing I was feeling uneasy somehow. Following him to the elevator I noticed guards in white uniforms... All staring at us. Creepy. We head up to one of the middle floors and he leads me down a maze of hallways to what I assume is his office.

Brenner took a seat behind his desk as he gestured for me to sit at one of the chairs in front of his desk. "Now, I have to go over some contract with you, this isn't a job where you can just put in your two weeks when you want to quit. Think of it like a military contract, you're here till the end of the date on this contract, and then you can decide if you want to leave or renew it." He explained, pulling out a folder with a stack of papers. "Why is that?" I ask, my anxiety rising as this definitely isn't a power company. "Well, we have our guards stay here 24/7 just in case something were to happen.." He paused for a moment, "Like recently we had a...break-in, someone was trying to find our safe and we lost a couple of people because they had a gun. We also had to fire our guard on the cameras for not alerting us because they were asleep." His tone was unsure but dark, but he lightened it up with a smile at me. Maybe, an attempt to comfort me.

He opened the file and handed me a pen. "This is the contract to say that you accept these conditions." He pushed the small stack of papers towards me. "Before I sign anything, can I see the housing?" He looked a bit confused but that expression only lasted a second. "Of course! Follow me." He said standing and leading me out of the office and back to the elevator. "Our employee housing is located on the second floor. There's a common area that's used as a break room, it comes with a fully stocked kitchen and living area." He presses the number 2 on the elevator button. "You'll also get, what is essentially a dorm. It's a room with a bed, a small kitchenette, and a bathroom."

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