Chapter Eight: Punishment

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It's been a few weeks now since the strange hallucinations, things seem to have gone to a somewhat normal routine. I finally got my own key and photo ID which is kept pinned to my uniform.

Definitely should've done better makeup on picture day...

I stare at the ID as I pin it to my chest, getting ready for another day of watching cameras and writing down useless shit. I tie up my hair and make sure my shirt is tucked in neatly before walking out of my room and down the hall to the elevator.

Peter hasn't worked with me in a bit, it's been a week since he was stationed to the rainbow room. Something sinister was undoubtedly going on here but I still have yet to figure it out. I know there are doctors and scientists here but the cameras don't show the rooms where they conduct experiments... or at least I'm not allowed to watch those cameras if they exist.

Watching the cameras seemed difficult to do today as I kept finding my eyes wander to the grainy image of Peter kneeling down to talk with one of the children. A small smile reaches the corner of my lips.

How sweet that he cares for them a little bit. Especially since I know it isn't in the job description.

Noon comes quick as another orderly comes to watch my lunch shift. Making my way to the common room where most the other orderly's were taking their breaks, including Arthur who had got out of the infirmary a week ago.

His eyes avoided mine, like he seemed scared of me. For once I felt a bit bad for him.

Quickly making a small bowl of cereal I sit next to him and try engaging in a conversation. Maybe it was out of curiosity still or maybe just pity.

"How are you feeling?" I asked, trying not to sound awkward as Arthur glances over at me.

"Could be better...I shouldn't be talking to you." He quickly ended the conversation, getting up and making his way to his room. A small drop in my heart made me frown as I eat my lunch.

What did they do to him?

The thought lingered in my mind for the rest of my shift at work, distracting me from taking my usual notes. Looking up at the clock, it read it was 5:30 PM, only thirty minutes left with my shift. Looking down at the notepad I should've been writing on, I quickly copy Arthur's notes from when he was working cameras and hope nothing of importance happened today.

"What's got you in such a rush, hm?" A familiar and calm voice comes from the doorway. I jumped, and spun the chair to face Peter.

"Is it the end of my shift already?" I ask and glance at the clock. 6:03 PM. I look back at Peter and get up, brushing my white pants. Peter moves past me and looks at the notebook on the desk and clicks his tongue, his eyes moving up to meet mine.

"Copying Arthur's notes, you must've been distracted?" He tilts his head slightly and stands up straight, raising his brows as if asking me for more information.

"Just a bit worried about him...I tried to talk to him at lunch but he said he shouldn't talk to me." I finally explain, knowing he already knew something was up. It's almost impossible to lie to him.

Peter's brows drops looking at me, sending a small chill down my spine. You haven't seen this look on his face for a bit, but seeing it again reminded me that he's somehow capable of holding his own in a fight. He blinks and raises his brows again, taking a breath in. "Maybe that's for the best Sophie." He says coolly.

Another shiver.


Peter about left to go find Arthur, he was damn right, he shouldn't be talking to Sophie, she was his. And what was Sophie thinking talking to him? She should know better than that.

Walking her back to the commons he thought about how he should punish Sophie for speaking to Arthur. Nothing too harsh of course, can't have her upset at him, especially since he wasn't going to use his powers this time.

"Sophie, may I speak to you in your room?" Peter asked as the two walked, his breath steady and posture straight as to seem as calm as possible. Although he couldn't stop his grin when she agreed.


The door creaked as it opened and I walked inside only to hear the door slam shut and lock with a click. "Peter?" I turned and raised an eyebrow a bit confused.

What's up with everyone today?

I was greeted with strong hands on my shoulders pushing me to sit on my bed, one hand moving to my chin to raise it. Heat flushed my cheeks as I stared up at Peter, brow still raised. "Is...everything alright?" I hesitated as he stared down in my eyes with a cold stare.

"You know it's really not a good idea to speak to anyone that works here... They all know what they signed up for unlike you." Peter spoke pushing me to lay down as he moved to hover over me, a knee placed between my shaking legs.

My heart pounded so hard I could hear it in my head, not to mention the red heat from my cheeks spread to the rest of my face. It was almost hard to breathe.

Peter leaned down closer, allowing me to smell his scent of clean linen, "You never know when someone could take advantage of your naivety." He practically whispered into my ear, his warm breath tickling my ear and neck, his hands moving from my shoulders to my wrists.

Now it was impossible to breathe.

Peter got up, letting me lay there for a moment to catch my breath. Lord knows I needed it.

Fixing his cuffs and straightening his shirt he cups his hands and gives a warm grin, like what just happened, didn't mean anything.

"I've spoken to Dr. Brenner about introducing you to the children." He said calmly as I sat up, still unfocused after what happened. "Huh?" I blink and meet his eyes.

"Looks like I get to train you again." He grins.


So sorry for the really long hiatus, anyways happy new year! So sorry this chapter is short, hopefully I can get the creative ball to roll again, and apologies for a small amount of fluff hehe. <3

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