Welcome to Japan

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*You have recently moved to Japan from America. After earning a degree as a chef you decided to travel to learn different types of cuisine. Luckily you were able to grab a small apartment in a nice rural area. You didn't travel with much just some clothes to get you through a couple of weeks, your knives and other tools, and something very important to you your skateboard. Even tho you just moved in you are eager to look for a job.*

*you are walking around the town as you had a restaurant saved as a potential job interest*

y/n: it has to be around here somewhere *looks at cellphone at the name of the restaurant. 'its called Sia la luce*

*you keep walking down the busy street until the restaurant comes into view. You stand outside the restaurant for a minute before walking inside. You notice how everyone is sitting down and eating so you decide to take a seat yourself and wait. As your sitting, a tall man with green hair approaches your table*

green haired man: Hello what can i get for you today

y/n: Im not here to eat sorry I'm here for a job interview. Im supposed to meet with someone named Kojiro Nanjo

green haired man: ahh so you must be y/n pleasure to meet you I'm kojiro if you can give me a minute we can start the interview

y/n: oh yes take your time i can wait

*after a little while your interviewed by Kojiro. He asks you questions such as what experience you have, your preferred hours of working, and what you like to do in your free time. You responded truthfully up until what you like to do. Truthfully you like to skateboard but you weren't sure if it was professional to say but you give it your best shot and say skatebaording*

kojiro: ok i believe that's the end of the interview

y/n: so do i have the job

Kojiro: i will look over the questions and your answers and make my decision give me a few days ok

y/n: oh yes I'm sorry 

*you both stand up and shake hands. you give him your number so then he has a way to contact you. Then you leave and go back to your apartment*

The Next Day

*you choose after some crazy few days of moving and finding a job to take your skatebaord out to the nearest skatepark and skate for a bit*

*you choose after some crazy few days of moving and finding a job to take your skatebaord out to the nearest skatepark and skate for a bit*

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*your skateboard*

*Your skating around in the park doing different tricks such as grinds, flips and many others. You are working on a trick that you had issues with back in American called the strawberry milkshake. your trying your hardest but you still cant get it. A young kid is watching you. he's wearing a hoodie that resembles a cat* 

y/n: can i help you kid

Cat hoodie kid: move your front foot off the board 2 more centimeters and your back foot back 3 millimeters

*the kids critique seems odd but for some enjoyment you do it. Suprisingly after doing what the kid said you do the trick perfectly*

Y/n: how did you know- *the kid has dissappeared*

*you do the trick a few more times before choosing to leave the skate park. You wonder who that kid was and how they were able to tell you what to do so precisely that it perfected the trick. After a long day of skating you choose to skate home not wanting to get off of your board. As your skating to the apartment you take your eyes off the sidewalk for one moment and end up running into someone* 

Y/n: *crashes* ow 

Pink haired figure: *brushing himself off* watch where your going 

y/n: I'm sorry didn't mean to

pink haired figure: yeah sure just watch next time *walks away*

*as the pink haired male walks away you get up and skate home*

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