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* your body feels heavy when you open your eyes bright lights all around you. You try to sit up but wince in pain all over your body. you hear someone tell you to be careful as you lift your head and adjust you see a man at the end of your bed*

Shadow: careful kid let me help you

*Shadow comes next to you and helps you sit up slowly. You look at yourself and notice your wrists are bandaged.*

Y/n: what happened and where am I I thought we were at S? Did I beat ADAM what happened

Shadow: keep your voice down a bit kid you'll wake Cherry

Y/n: what?

*shadow points to the corner of the room next to you and you see Kaoru asleep in a chair. his long pink hair a little disheveled and his sleeping face a little cute to you.*

Y/n: how long has he been here

Shadow: since we brought you in. Let me go call everyone and then we will tell you everything, okay but for now just relax you just woke up. I'll wake Cherry to keep an eye on you.

Y/n: no let him sleep he seems like he needs it

Shadow: whatever you say, kid

*he leaves and you move the blanket off of you and notice you're in a white and blue gown and that your ankle is wrapped in a cast. You start to remember a bit of what happened last night. you remember your ankle getting hit hard by something but you can't remember what. You can't even remember passing out. You look at Kaoru sleeping peacefully. He was with you since you got here and that makes you wonder how he reacted to everything seeing you get hurt, seeing you unconscious, and seeing you get treated. Your heart started to hurt wondering what the man you have feeling for felt. Soon you see him start to stir and open his eyes slightly*

Cherry: mmm

Y/n: morning sleeping beauty

Cherry: *gets up quickly and hugs you tight* thank the gods your okay 

Y/n: I'm fine Kaoru at least as fine as I'm currently going to be 

Cherry: I got so worried when you fell and were unconscious I was scared 

*you feel Kaoru start to shake a bit as he holds you and his breath becomes shaky too. you pull away to see that Kaoru is crying. you put a hand on his cheek look into his eyes softly and smile slightly. You take in the expression he's making right now wondering who else has seen this side of him. He is always so straight-faced seeing him with his guard down like this makes you upset that he's crying for you but happy that so far to your knowledge you're the only one seeing him like this*

Y/n: I'm okay now kaoru I'm awake and okay now you don't have to be scared anymore

*Kaoru looks at you as you say those words and smiles as he softly grabs your wrist that's holding his face and kisses it. That causes you to blush your heart starts beating fast as you two stare at each other for a second*

Y/n: Kaoru what was that for

Cherry: I was worried I wouldn't get to do anything like that. 

Y/n: what do you mean Kaoru

Cherry: I like you Y/n. I was worried I wouldn't get to say it but I do like you

Y/n: of course you do we are friends

Cherry: no Y/n I don't like you in that way I...i love you Y/n

Y/n: Kaoru

Cherry: you don't have to say anything back I was just so worried about you that I told myself when you wake up it would be the first thing I tell you so I don't ever lose the chance again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12 ⏰

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