The Race Known as S

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*its been a couple of weeks since you came to Japan. You got the job at Sia la luce and began working with kojiro. After working with him you soon become close friends. He tells you how he skateboards a little aswell so when you have down time at work you talk about tricks and combos. You soon begin to feel comfortable with the move to Japan as you spend time at work, with kojiro, and at the skatepark.*

*your running a tad late for work. Its happened before and kojiro is okay with you being slightly late especially since he knows you have to catch the bus to work every shift. Today the bus was late so it set you back. When you get off at the station you decide to hop on your board and skate the rest of the way. You get to the front of the restaurant and burst in. Normally there isn't people in the establishment early so bursting in was never an issue*

Y/n: *burst in the door huffing out of breath* s-sorry im-im late

kojiro: *looks at you* you didnt have to rush I assumed you'd be here soon

Y/n: sorry I just really hate being late the bus didnt arrive on time so I used my board to get the rest of the way once I got off at the stop 

*you notice there is someone in the restaurant sitting in front of Kojiro. He seems familiar to you and then you notice its the pink haired man you ran into when you were riding home from the skatepark that one day*

Pink haired man: So this is who you hired you oversized gorilla

Kojiro: hey stop calling me that in my own restaurant pinky

*you stand there awkwardly. You don't know how to respond as the pink haired man was upset that you ran into him the last time you saw him. You stand there awkwardly for a bit as they are calling each other names. You go to move and kojiro interrups*

Kojiro: Sorry that was rude of me Y/n this is Kaoru he's a friend of mine

Kaoru: well at least I know the name of the person who ran into me

Y/n: hey I said I was sorry about that let it go

Kojiro: I'm not going to ask what happened. Y/n if you want to get started on prep for today ill help you in a bit

y/n: sure kojiro. *you look is Kaoru* well it was a pleasure meeting you sir and again I sincerely apologize for running into you *you go into the back and begin prep like kojiro said*

*with Kojiro and Kaoru*

Kojiro: so you going tonight

Kaoru: Of course is that even a question

Kojiro: I'm just asking. Hey maybe ill invite y/n to come with

Kaoru: really do you honestly think it would be smart to bring them they seem like nothing but just a rookie

Kojiro: Come on you'd be surprised they know a lot about skating 

Kaoru: so does reki and we have both seen him on a board

Kojiro: yeah whatever I need to go help ill see you at S

*You and Kojiro work the restaurant all day helping lots of customers and filling tons of orders. Kojiro makes comments about how its easier working with another person in the kitchen and it makes you feel good knowing your able to help. Its gets to the end of the day you and kojiro are cleaning the kitchen and the dining room*

Y/n: the dining areas clean kojiro

Kojiro: good thanks. Say you doing anything after you clock out?

Y/n: *you look at him confused* no why?

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