Hiding Who You Are

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*you declared a beef with Kaoru. The group encouraged you to start one. You agreed to a friendly beef that way you get a feel for the course and there are no bad circumstances if you lose. You still want to take the fight as seriously as you can. Kaoru gave you a couple of days to prepare but you are unsure how other than to keep practicing your tricks. You remember how Kaorus board is basically a computer and can change its type by a single word. Even tho you want to have fun you also want to win but knowing what tricks Kaoru may pull you might have no chance. You work with the group without Kaoru to fix some of your tricks and how you move on the board. It is now the day before the race your at the restaurant with Kojiro cleaning the place and preparing for the day ahead of you.*

Y/n: Hey Kojiro

Kojiro: Whats up

Y/n: is there anything I need to know for tomorrow I mean I'm working my hardest and I know this is only for me to get the know the course but I still want to have at least a shot at beating Kaoru or cherry I don't know what to call him

*you shake your head confused overwhelmed and worried for tomorrow. Kojiro sees that you're worried and laughs*

Kojiro: to be honest and as nice as possible you won't win against Kaoru. You're not skilled enough yet especially since you're not just up against him your are also against his board which knows more than you or I about the terrain and can do calculations of anything Kaoru says.

y/n: dang well you can give me some kind of hope or good advice.

Kojiro: fine I guess the only thing I can say is...

*kojiro thinks for a minute. You really have no chance at beating Kaoru and all he is doing is proving that fact. You have no idea about the area or what Kaoru is actually capable of so all you can do is what you can do and are comfortable with*

Kojiro: my only advice is to get a costume or a disguise if you can

Y/n: what why

Kojiro: well you see

Kaoru: *walks in* you shouldn't be recognized in a place like S with your job position

Kojiro: what are you doing here I thought you were giving them time to prepare

*you think about what kojiro said before about costumes*

*A few days ago*

Y/n: I've been wondering Kojiro why do you wear that outfit to S why not wear your normal clothes

Kojiro: you see the abandoned place we use for S is supposed to be closed down no ones allowed in there but the person who runs S was able to open it.

Y/n: ok but that doesn't answer my question

Kojiro: think about it wouldn't it be bad for service or reputation if a famous chef was found doing illegal skating activities

y/n: I guess your right 

*you come back to the current situation as kojiro and Kaoru are either fighting or just talking. Its hard to tell between them its just as hard to believe that they are friends. You start to think how you can get a costume by tomorrow. Getting a tailor to make one in such short notice isn't even impossible but will be very costly. You get an idea and decide to speak up*

Y/n: does it have the hide my face, the costume?

Kojiro: No not necessarily just something that will throw people off from your actual apperance or who you really are

Kaoru: I'll see you tomorrow also come up with a code name for yourself dont want people to really know who you are

*as Kaoru leaves you look at kojiro who is watching him leave. Now not only do you have to worry about a costume you need a new name to. You decide to put that off till tomorrow. It seems last minute but it gives you more time to think if you put it off that far. You and Kojiro finish getting ready for the day and open the restaurant. You focus on the job and what you need to do for tomorrow letting the most important things run through your head as you mentally prepare yourself for what will happen tomorrow night*

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