Training And A Date

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* You've been challenged to a beef against ADAM. Everyone is worried but they are helping you train. You spend most of your time with Joe, Cherry, and Langa. Joe and Cherry have a past with ADAM that they won't tell anyone about but you can tell whenever his name is mentioned based on their faces that the experience they had wasn't good. Together you go over some videos of the rare occasions ADAM has skated at S and even watch the clip of Cherry getting smacked with his board. The noise the board makes when it smacks across his face makes you jump and look away for a moment. you look over at Cherry who was pissed off while watching the clip but all eyes are kept on the screen. They go over with you how he pulls his tricks off and what to look for as triggers to what cheat he's going to use but the main thing that gets drilled into you is don't let him get too far ahead. Even if you lose no matter what don't let him get too far ahead or else he will use that move, the full swing kiss. Its been 5 days since you received that beef notice so you only have 2 more days till the beef. there has been no word from Reki of how your board is coming along but everyone assures you that he knows what he's doing. You and the group practice late at night at the skate park or an empty car lot when you're done with work getting in as much training as possible*

*At an empty car lot you're skating down to the bottom against Langa*

Cherry: keep yourself low to gain speed you need to close the gap as soon as he gets too far! *he yells from the bottom up to you yelling out tips and reminders. you do what he says and lower your stance to speed up but when you go and take a turn you wipe out and Langa stops yelling down to Cherry and Joe*

Langa: they wiped out again! *he comes over and checks on you grabbing the loaner board that Joe is letting you use*

Y/n: ugh I took it too fast again. I've done turns multiple times why am I having so much trouble now!?

Langa: It's the nerves not just yours but all of ours we are pushing you pretty hard sorry. *he offers you a hand up which you take as you stand brushing yourself off and you both walk down to the bottom where Cherry and Joe are*

Joe: you okay kid?

Y/n: can't get any more scratched up than I already am so yeah

Cherry: Let's take a break for now

*Cherry walks over to a bench and sits down with his head in his hands as Joe and Langa walk off to talk about what can be worked on. you go over and sit next to Cherry*

Y/n: I'm sorry if I'm disappointing you guys I'll try harder next round I promise

Cherry: *lifts his head* you're not disappointing us. I'm just worried we all are. You're good but ADAM is unpredictable he could change his moves last minute with none of us prepared. We just...I just don't want to see you get hurt especially with the full-swing kiss that is one move we can't fully prepare you for other than closing distance.

Y/n: I'm doing pretty good right now and there are a lot more turns here than there are on the actual course the only problem is controlling that fast speed through turns. 

Cherry: If you can't keep the speed then slow down for the turn but you have to gain the speed immediately when you get out not a second after it has to be immediate.

Y/n: got it. What do you think the punishment is going to be if I lose? He can do anything bad, can he?

Cherry: knowing ADAM it could be anything from simply breaking your board to leaving Japan and never coming back.

Y/n: WHAT!

*the others hear you yell what and they walk over*

Joe: what's happening over here

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