chapter 2

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Here i am looking for my classroom being confuse as fuck.

" Woah is that the new student"
" Damn he's hot"
" Bet you he'll have a fan club soon"
" No kidd with those looks "

Whispers everywhere but I just ignore them it's too troublesome to deal with so it's best to ignore it.

I accidentally bumped into someone I look up and saw a familiar face.

" Ahh sorry-"

" Wait-! Hinato!?" I said while pointing at him his eye widen and said.

" Takemichi-kun!?"

         Hinato tachibana

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         Hinato tachibana.

" How've been?" I say as I wrap my arm around his shoulder.

He blushed a bit and said.

" I've been good what about you?? How's south Korea?" I smiled.

" It's great there! Next time when I visit my parents maybe I should take you with? They've been dying to know how's there 2nd son hinato doing haha" I chuckled as I remember the conversation we had before I left.


" Son make sure to stay safe and don't cause any type of trouble" my dad said.

" I know dad"

" And remember to not skip any meals and try to avoid eating junk food as breakfast I didn't teach you how to cook for you to not use them" my mom reminded me.

" Haha yes yes mother I know"

They smiled and look at me my mother has been crying in car and on our way here.

" My baby boy is now a man *sob* an extremely handsome, smart and strong man mommy won't be able to take care of you anymore wahhhh~!"

She sobbed as dad hugged her.

" Yes yes he's all grown up now he's ready to be on his own now the only thing he needs is a lover" my dad said as my mom looked I flinched  as she smacked dad upside head.

" You mean LOVERS plural!" She said because she knows I'm both bisexual and poly and she accepted saying that she'll have a lot of grandkids to spoil.

' the only thing I'm concerned about mom having alot of grandkids is dad's wallet.' I thought as I watch them.

" Also son" dad said.

" Hm?"

" Make sure when your there look for hinato alright and kaede alright" he said.

" Of course!" I smiled remembering the fun I had as a kid with them.

" Good because I miss my 2nd son and my future daughter in law!" Mom said and my cheeks flushed at the daughter in law part.

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