chapter 7

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" Haruki?.....hayashi..??"

" Good to see you again take-nii!" Pah-chin smiled

" Good to know your doing well" peh Yan said.

" It's good to see you both too it's been a while how's yui and takumi? Hope you still call them as often  you know those two have tantrums" Takemichi chuckled as he remembered the girls.

The girls present were confused looking between Takemichi and the 3rd division captains.

"Hang on a second! How the hell do you three know each other!? And who are yui and takumi?!" Maiko said demanding answers.

' why does MY hubby look happy saying their names ' she whined in her head.

The three looked at maiko and Takemichi said.

" Oh yui and takumi are my cousins and coincidentally haruki and hayashi are dating them." He explained.

The girls looked at pah-chin and peh-yan while the two boys avoid eye contact.

It was silence.

But then....

" KYAAAAHHHHH!!" all the girls squealed while jumping around all excited.

" Hey hey hey! Stop that were in a hospital dammit!" Pah-chin says as he does a hushing sign.

The girls immediately shut up covering their mouths as Takemichi bowed to everyone who heard and witnessed it.

" Sorry but pah! Peh! How could not tell us!? This is big news!" Kazumi said as the others nodded there heads in agreement.

" Yeah we're your best friends for Pete's sake!" Daiki said.

" We knew you were gonna act like this so we didn't tell you guys yet." Peh-yan said as he scratched the back of his neck smiling at the girls nervously.

" Okay all of us here are off topic how's my buddy take-nii" pah asked.

" Oh hell be fine other than a few broken bones he's fine nothing serious was broken or injured doc says he can be discharged in a month or so." Takemichi explained.

Everyone let out a relieved sigh and pah tensed down.

" Thank you so much for saving him! Thank you ! Thank you!" He cried in Takemichis shoulder as he patted his back to comfort pah.

" Alright everyone it's getting late and I think you all should stay in my house." He said.

" Oh no it's fine we bought our bikes we don't want to trouble you " mitsuya said trying to politely decline key word TRY.

" No no no I ain't letting any of you go home this late at night and I know you can beat the shit out of assholes but after what I saw what those good for nothing scumbags did to those two I ain't taking ANY chances." He stated seriously.

' goddamn that was hot'
' what a gentleman'
' is it weird that I got turned on by that's
' that voice should be illegal'
' damn take-nii still got it'
' honestly I'm impressed he doesn't have a girlfriend yet'

" O-okay then " mitsuya just gave up with her face flushed.

" Visiting hours are over anyways let's go now."

And with that they all went to Takemichi's house with toman executives on their bikes and Takemichi leading the way with his car.


" HOLY SHIT!!?!" baji yelled.

" THIS IS YOUR HOUSE!?" she continued.

" Yup "

While the other girls are staring at the mansion in awe maiko, daiki , pah-chin and peh-yan walked in.

" C'mon now it's cold outside "

And with that the girls went in and sat on the couch still processing.

But the sound of a phone cutt off their thoughts as they all looked at maiko.

She looked at her phone, smiled and answered.



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