Chapter 8

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Ahem soooooo how y'all doin hehehe..... Okay ik ik but I'm back and here's a new chapter for u.

Hope u enjoy.


Maiko's  POV..

" SHIN-NEE-SAN!!" I said happily as I  talked to the phone.

Italic shiki
Bold maiko

"Maiko how many times do I have to tell you it's shiki-nee-san not shin-nee-san."

" But I like calling u shin-nee-san!"

*Sigh* " fine do what you want, where are you? Why aren't you home yet?"

" I'm with my friends, and future husband~"

" Excuse me WHAT!? where are you right now!?"

" In my future husband's house, why?"

Me and the others are going their, no excuses! Send me the location and yes, I'm taking Ichigo with me." Hangs up.

Call ended

I stare at my phone and looked towards mitchy

" Hubby~ my sister's and her friends wants to come here~ can they~?" I say as I hugged his waist and did my puppy dog eyes on him, he chuckled and said.

" You don't have to asked mai-chan, ya don't even have to act cute for me to say yes, of course they can come other." He said smiling at me.

I smiled at his response and sent shin-nee-san the address.

'...... Wait a minute... Why do I feel like there's something wrong..'



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Shiki sano

As soon as I hang up the phone there is on one word that keeps repeating.

' husband....... Husband....she was able to find a suitor before me!?'

I crouch down in the corner and cried.

" Maiko...... Husband... Before me??.... *sob* "

" Nee-san, what are you doing??"

I looked at the person and saw my other little sister Ichigo sano.

I looked at the person and saw my other little sister Ichigo sano

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