chapter 4

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" Is that alright?" Takumi asked.

" Of course I ain't about to let girl go home this late plus I can the rest of the sweets to your families I made way too much" I say.

" I mean if it's alright " daiki said.

" Alright then let's go to the garage first " I say as I walked towards the garage after telling the maid to pack the sweets and put them in my car.


" Is there an ending to these surprises take-kun?! " Yamagishi said

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" Is there an ending to these surprises take-kun?! " Yamagishi said.

" Look at all these cars!" Makoto said with sparkles in her eyes.

" Haha ok now how you pick the car we ride in makoto-chan." I say

" Really!!" She excitedly say.

I nodded and took a look at my cars.

" This one!"

" Good choice

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" Good choice." I took the keys from my butler and walked towards the car followed by the girls.

" Um mitchy are we all gonna fit?" Daiki asked.

I thought for a sec.

" Alright then atsumi-chan, taku-chan, yama-chan and makoto-chan you four will be at the back dai-chan in the front sit and maiko."
I looked at her and continue.

" You'll be sitting on my lap while I'm driving since your the smallest one." She blushed and I sense jealousy and envy in the air as she celebrated.

" Okay mitchy~"

Everyone went to their seats and maiko was on my lap her face facing my chest making herself comfortable.

I started the engine and left the house. The four girls lead to the direction of their house since they're the closest and they live in the same neighborhood.

I dropped them off, I said hello to their parents explained why they were so late to come home and gave them some sweets

They were thankful and even gave permission to court their daughters I just laughed it off while they blush.

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