Chapter 10

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Hey y'all~ I'm back!! Sorry I've been gone but I'm back and I hope you'll look forward to this chapter and the others that I have yet to make due to me being a lazy ass, and due to me thinking about a plot.



Now that everyone settles down and took a seat, they started digging in and devouring the delicious food in front of them.

"Neh², hubby,~ pay attention to me~" said a whinny maiko to takemichi who was busy feeding the twins, because angry accidentally burned her tongue and smiley, just acted cute to convince him to feed her too.

" MAIKO! Just Let him feed the twins damnit, I swear, you need more attention than a toddler." Daiki said facepalming, due to maiko's stupidity sometimes asking why does she follow her.

" HMPH! Mean dai-chin."


" By the way, maiko, what are you planning to do about that fight?" Asked mitsuki.

" Huh? Yut chawenge?"

" Baji-san! Don't talk with your mouth full!"

Suddenly the atmosphere darken and turned cold at the mention of this challenge with intrigued takemichi, so he listened while as feeding smiley since angry said she was full.

" Well to answer baji's question, a couple of days ago, a gang ambushed us- well TRIED to, but failed, then a girl as tall as dai-chin waltz over to us and challenged me to a war against her gang, Valhalla."

The atmosphere got even colder, at the mention of an ambush, but it wasn't from the girls, it was takemichi in his overprotective husbando mode.

" Are you ok?! Were you hurt!? Do I have to kill them?! Give me names!" He said as he grabbed both of maiko's shoulders and shook her back and forth.

Which of course made all the girls blush at his caring nature.

" Damn take-nii, no need to freak, they maybe girls but damn they can kick ass. Besides if anything you should worry about the guys they beat up."Said pah-chin  mumbling the last part but was still heard as he was trying to calm the ravenette down.

" Yeah, they're powerhouses for a reason ya know! So don't worry too much," peh-yan said with pride.

*Sigh* " I know I know, but I can't help but worry" he whined he was on his knees as he hugged maiko, burying his face on her chest, which the girl blushes at.

" Wait so when's the fight gonna happen?" Asked chiyumi.

" On October 31st." Answered daiki who was trying not to pounce on maiko right now cause she is jealous.

" The name of their acting, is Hanma shu."



' Wow~ there's a lot of people here, and majority of them are guys, ugh.'

I bitterly though, they might roam their disgusting eyes on MY girls I might gouge their eyes out.

( Our Michi is the possessive, jealous type 😏)

I am currently sitting on top of one of the cars sitting with my leg over the other.

( Anybody else realize that in BL the top always sit cross legged while the bottom sits Like legs open, hunched over, elbow on their knees?)

As the fight was about to begin I feel two pairs of eyes on me, I looked at the direction of the stare and saw a pair of girls, one with blonde and black braided hair, and the other has short blonde hair with blue stripes.

They realize they stared at me for too long, the braided one smiled wildly and waved in my direction and the other looked away blushing.

' they look hot and so cute!!'


OKAY I know y'all hate this word ↖️  I MIGHT post again latersss love u my moon pies!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2023 ⏰

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