11: flirting

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I sipped a big amount of the drink I was holding. And at the same time my heart starts beating incredibly fast. Palpitation? I was actually hoping that it's just because of the coffee I'm holding. Unfortunately it's not.

It's because of a certain brunette with an annoying beautiful eyes and to add up that cute bunny teeth. In normal days, of course she's always occupying my mind. But right now, she causing chaos in my mind and my poor little heart.

Nayeon's always clingy, that's given and everyone knows that. But today, she's so EXTRA clingy. Like really really clingy, she's been with me since morning up until now. And that's not a problem for me. But she keeps on throwing flirty remarks at me, and it's making me feel a lot of things.

Does she not know how greatly she affects me? I've been blushing like a tomato the whole day!

And that's not a good thing. I never, ever blush. I'm this campus' girl crush. Nothing could ever flutter me. Well now except this annoying woman with her annoying smile.

I am currently sitting here at one of the cafeteria's tables after I successfully escaped Nayeon. And I am at my second cup of americano, enjoying my freedom while it lasts.

There's not much students here in the cafeteria since it's not break time yet. And mostly, student's eat at the food hall, where most of the food stands are located.

I don't know what's up with Nayeon today that she's so sweet towards me. I mean our relationship was always have been full of banters and arguments, friendly ones. But now she's acting like she's...

She's acting like my girlfriend. Of course she's not. I'd like to be, but we can't. She's in a relationship with Jinyoung. I am in love with Nayeon and I'll do anything for her. But I never tolerate cheating.

Speaking of Jinyoung, I haven't seen him. He's not with Nayeon because Nayeon's always with me. Surprisingly, student's aren't curious as to why the two of them we're never seen together. I mean, after that grandiose act Jinyoung pulled I'm pretty sure student's would be gossiping about them. But, it seems like a normal day for them. It's like it never even happened. 


"A kiss for your thoughts?" a sudden voice interrupted my peaceful time.

"No, thanks" I saw her grabbed my drink and took a sip from it.

"Nayeon! That's mine, buy yours" I whined.

"No, this one tastes much better" she replied sipping again.

I rolled my eyes at her. As if, she's just too lazy to buy a drink for herself that's why she's stealing mine. I'm gonna make her pay for my drink later.

"What are you even doing here? It's not your break time yet" I looked at her.

"Oh you know my schedule? That's so thoughtful of you" she smiled sweetly at me.

"Nayeon." I said with a stern voice.

"What are you doing here too? You had classes too" she asked back.

"Well, Miss Bae just told us to review so we had all a free time. That's why I'm here. What about you? You skipped class didn't you?" I accused her.

"It's boring. Besides, we're graduating students! Professors are all probably busy making exam for the finals" she shrugged off.

I just looked at her in my judging face. Whatever, she always do this anyway. She's a troublesome student. Why won't she copy me? I'm a model student. I do not skip classes and I am so so kind. You could literally approach me and I'll help you. No, I'm not lying. How could I lie? I am a honest person. Really.

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