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Harry groaned into the pillow, sitting up a few minutes later to turn off his alarm. He then turned to look at the figure sleeping next to him; Zain.

"Baby," Harry whispered, sleep still clinging to his voice, "wake up. We're going out with Gemma, yea?"
Zain groaned, turning over on his side so his back was facing Harry. "M'good."

"C'mon," Harry stood up, grabbing a clean pair of pants and quickly changed into them, "or I'll leave without you, you'll have to stay here with Bear."

Zain groaned again, sitting up, blinking the sleep from his eyes. Once Zain was somewhat awake, he crawled out of bed and wrapped his arms around Harry's waist, kissing his neck. "You gonna shower?"

"Yeah," Harry replied simply. "You stayin in here?"

Zain shrugged, sitting down on the bed and yawning, hiding it in his hands. Harry joined him on the bed for a quick second, peppering kisses all over Zain's face and neck.
"I'm gonna shower now," Harry glanced at the clock on his nightstand, before standing up with a wince.

Zain raised a brow. "You 'kay?"

"Yeah just," Harry waved his hand dismissively, "cramps. That's all."

"Tell me if they get bad, yea?"

"Mhm," Harry hummed before grabbing a towel and making his way to the full-sized bathroom.

When Harry exited the bathroom, still patting his hair dry, he noticed Zain was changing the sheets on the bed. "What're ya doin?"

"Sheets were dirty," Zain said simply, carrying out the dirty sheets.
"Oh," Harry mumbled, "sorry."

"It's not your fault," Zain placed a loving kiss on Harry's lips. "It's natural, I get it."

"You should've let me clean it up," Harry frowned. "It was my mess anyways."

"I don't mind," Zain said gently, placing another kiss on Harry's lips. "How're ya feelin?"

"Okay, I guess," Harry said, moving his hands down to rub his bloated belly, before placing a kiss on Zain's jaw. "It's annoying."

"Yeah, must be," Zain sighed, grabbing a clean pair of pants and changing into them, throwing the dirty pair into the laundry basket. "Gemma texted," he explained. "Said she'd be here around lunch time."

Harry nodded, and made his way downstairs. It works give them enough time to make breakfast, and probably go swimming, or go to the store to pick up some things, before Gemma arrived.

Harry sighed heavily, taking a seat at the dining room table and fiddling with his phone.

"You okay?" Zain asked, raising a bushy brow.

"Yeah, m'fine," Harry grimaced. "It's these cramps, that's all. They hurt so bad."

"I'm sorry." Zain kissed Harry's shoulder. "Are you wearing your pads?"

Harry snapped at Zain, "yes of course! You just want me to ruin all my furniture?"

Zain raised his hands, stepping back with an amused look on his face. "Sorry babe, just askin'. You think you'll be okay enough to make breakfast?"

"Mm," Harry makes, looking at the ground. "Could you do it for me?"

"Course. What do you want?"

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