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"You ready to go?" Zain's sled Harry as he exited their bedroom. Zain was wearing black skinny jeans and a purple goosebumps shirt, while Harry was wearing a black button up shirt and black, red and white plaid pants. "You look so handsome."

"Thank you." Harry kissed Zain's cheek. "You do too."

They made their way outside and into Zain's car. The older male started the car and began to drive. "Do you have a favorite song?" Zain asked Harry randomly. Harry shrugged.

"Not really." Harry said. "There's some that I like, but I wouldn't say any favorites. What about you?"

"I dunno." Zain said idly.

Eventually, Zain pulled up to a cliff edge that looked over a giant lake. It was absolutely magnificent — if those were the words to describe it — because the lake wad completely, utterly still, and the pale golden moonlight hit it in every perfect angle. It took away Harry's breath.

"Harry," Zain said quietly, pulling his hand of his pockets, "I know it's not much— but I didn't to do anything giant for today because..." Zain trailed off as he opened his hand, which revealed a tiny, black velvet box. Harry looked down at his, confused, until Zain opened it and revealed a ring.
The ring has 3 bands. The first band was the thickest with diamond studs lining it. The second band was a thinner gold band, with a giant diamond in the middle of it, and the thinnest band was lined with diamond studs.
Harry looked up at Zain with wide eyes, his mouth in a slack o-shape.

"Harry," Zain began quietly, "I fell in love with you when I first met you. Not because you looked breathtakingly stunning, but because I knew you had potential and an amazing personality. And I know we've only been dating for two years, but I truly do love you. So much more than you know, and so much that I just simply cannot put it into words. Harry Edward Styles, will you marry me?"

"Zain I..." Harry looked down at the ring with glossy eyes, then back up at Zain, "I— I love you too. So much. I tell you everyday, but that will forever be incomparable to how much I truly love you. So, yes, I will marry you Zain Javaad Malik."

But instead of kissing each other or sliding the ring onto Harry's finger, the couple just stared at each other.
Harry pressed his forehead to Zain and spoke lowly, "have you ever heard a song a couple times and enjoyed it or whatever but then you hear it again and you think 'damn, this is the best song I've ever heard.'
Like, you already knew it existed but for some reason it really hits you that one time. And you're like wow, I wanna hear it again. So you play it again and again and you think you're only gonna play it once more but then you play it again and again and again. You fall in love with the beat.
You fall in love with he rhythm. You fall in love with the lyrics and everything about it. You can't get enough of it. It's constantly playing in your head and all you want is that song. I think that's what it's like to fall in love." Harry paused for a moment before speaking again, looking Zain in the eyes.

"You know about that person for a while but one day something about them catches you off guard. Then you start talking to them which is like hitting play. And you want to keep talking to them, so you do. Which is like putting it on repeat.
Then you fall in love with their eyes. You fall in love with their smile. You fall in love with their personality. You fall in love with everything about them. You can't get enough of them. They're constantly in your head and all you want is that person. I think falling in love is like discovering your favorite song."

Harry sat up, cupping Zain's face in his hands. "You're my favorite song, Zain."

"You're my favorite song too, Harry." Zain said as he slipped the ring onto Harry's finger. "I love you so much, I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."

"I can't either." Harry breathed. They leaned in to kiss each other, so passionately, so delicately, so in secret. Away from everyone.


"F-fuck," Harry stammered as Zain pounded into him.
"So good baby." Zain breathed, kissing Harry's sweaty forehead. "You look so gorgeous."

"I'm close," Harry groaned, but before Zain could reply, Harry was coming onto his chest and belly. "Sorry!"

"It's fine," Zain but his bottom lip as he came, a resting his forehead on Harry's. "I love you so much. Thank you for being... you. Perfect."

"I love you too," Harry smiled, wrinkling his nose when Zain shifted above him. "I'm so glad I could have a baby with you."

Zain nodded, rubbing Harry's belly. "I am too. I'm looking forward to having more. You seem like a girl dad."

"A girl dad?" Harry raised a brow and sat up, wrapping his arms around Zain's neck. "I guess. Tonight was perfect, thank you."

"No, thank you." Zain smiled. "'M so in love with you."
"This ring is gorgeous." Harry said, looking down at the pretty ring on his right hand. "What time is it?"

"Um," Zain hummed as he reached to the center console and picked up his phone, "1:49 am. Do you want to head back?"

"Only if you do." Harry said, hiding his yawn in his free hand. "'M kind of tired."

"We can head back then." Zain said, watching Harry screw up his face as he pulled out. "Sorry babe."

"It's fine." Harry said, sitting up and reaching into the front seat for his clothes. He quickly dressed himself and climbed back into the front seat.

On their drive home, Harry suddenly felt nauseous.

"Wait— stop- stop the car." Harry said in a panicked tone. As soon as Zain stopped, Harry hopped out of the car and hurled up whatever he had for dinner.

"Oh hell," Zain muttered as he climbed out of the car and ran over to Harry. "Are you okay?"

"'M fine," Harry said as he stood up and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "Just got car sick."

"Okay," Zain guided Harry back to the car. "Are you sure you're okay?"
"Yeah." Harry said quietly, resting his head in his hand.


"Hey babe," Zain kissed Harry's cheek when he woke up the next morning. "Are you feeling better?"

"Yeah," Harry sat up, "told you I was just car sick."

"Okay." Zain said skeptically. "'M gonna go make breakfast. "You look good in that engagement ring."

"Thank you." Harry smiled up at Zain.


Uh ohhh any guesses on why Harry's sick?? 👀

Hope you enjoyed! 💜

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