same story but new beginning

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Shadow or our protagonist y/n found himself in a tube with weird water but it was fine he was still breathing from a mask an as he look around he sees a girl with a blue dress with golden locks to go with it and this everyone is maria.

Maria:hello shadow I don't know if your listening but my name is maria.

She's puts her hand against the cold glass as y/n does as well as again another friendship but y/n knew what would happen in the future.

So he promised to shadow and maria that he would save maria so he had a idea since shadow has chaos ability without the chaos emeralds so he thought to practice his abilities and make more than just chaos spear.

The sciencetis let y/n out allowing him to walk around the ark while still watching him knowing his capabilities.
Maria was happy to show shadow around the ark showing him where she's lives and have fun.

Y/n was suprise at the many things the sonic didn't show was that aria was a artist and a great at planting.
Maria painted him which looked great  almost looked like him too exact like
except the eyes were wonky she gets every time which make both of them laugh.

It was fun on the ark while it lasted while maria showed him her ambition on going to earth and do gardening for a living and take care of all the rarest flower across.

While that was going shadow was practicing his chaos powers here are some of his moves like.

Chaos fire: a flame that has a emerald center can control it similar to blase the cat but if not control can cause burns to him or other people he's protecting can be more destructive if you put in more chaos energy.

Chaos speed : think of it similar to electricity across his body like sonic from the movie makes him go faster and have more reaction time can't time stop like sonic from the movie though.

Chaos sheld : can make a sheld depending on the amount of energy shadow can make it almost impenetrable.

Chaos wind : similar to black tornado but can create ferice winds that can cut through steel but haven't tested because he doesn't want to get caught and tested again

He does have his regular move but can add his new moves to chaos spear to make it more destructive.

The day came which shadow or y/n didn't know was that g.u.n figure out the ark and came killing the scientists.

Shadow and maria were running as fast they can going to the escape pods that the ark have and as they went shadow thought it be different but the same thing happen g.u.n shot maria.

As she push the button but little both parties that shadow knew chaos control and he sent to angle Island hopefully that the echidia he didn't know how many were there but maybe they can help her as shadow fell down to earth to a 50 year slumber in cyrosleep.

( this was a story about shadows backstory and the new powers he made due to his past life as y/n and it pay off and bye guys or girls)

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