the robot duplicates

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They make it a castle as yet again Eggman army is there as they heard the place was called hang castle but shadow gets deja vue again as he sees a another memorie of him playing this on a game?

He can't tell but sees himself playing..himself ?

It was a strange feeling as he hears someone call him....y/n ?

The name shook he's mind a bit as if it had value he didn't know about but rough shakes him out of it

Rough : you alright shadow? You seem shaken up is the castle thst scary * tease *

Shadow shakes he's head

Shadow : I am fine let's just keep moving * shadow runs off while Rouge  signs *

Rouge: are all boys like this ?

* team dark go through the castle obstacles even going through invisible pathways and werid magic objects that make them go upside down *

Shadow : I think this is why it's called gang castle

Rough: yeah it's making me dizzy

Omega : I am not dizzy

Rouge : of course you are

* they beat the robots along the way as their teamwork gotten better as it was getting easier as they kinda bond*

Then they make it to the mansion the inside of the castle as they went through it easy as it was kinda like the outside but they meet Eggman again however was left with unanwser questions as they fight a hoard of them but with teams dark team work and shadoes chaos powers it was easy.

They make it to eggmans sky fleet as they hear eggmans gloat about he's marvelous air fleet but team dark doesn't really care as our protagonist shadow is ready for the real anwsers to he's questions

While that going on team sonic ,team rose and team chaotix are there too.

Team chaotix is finding Eggman as they kinda think Eggman is the one who hired them to look for clues.

Team rose are there to look for sonic and for big is to look for froggy as always.

Team sonic is also looking for Eggman and for sonic sake hopefully find shadow as he's confused why shadow all not himself and trys to think but tails suggest maybe he's memory was gone when he feel which sonics nodd and trys think of a way to help him as he's the first person to understand him far better then even he's friends and being he's a soul from a another world in a body it makes things alot more interesting for sonic.

While team dark take a break rough and omega look through the ship their on and find mutiple capsules with what looks to be shadow.

Rouge :'t expect shadow to have...clones?

Rouge: or is he not a original ?

Omega: unlike I can scan they are robot dolls that look like him they are weak..

Roug3 : so Eggman is making robot duplicates for what reason?

Omega shrugs: don't care as long we get our hands on Eggman

Rouge signs knowing omega wouldn't care for details as long it wasent fully with Eggman

After they explored the ship rough meets back up with shadow not mentioned the robot duplicates but our protagonist gets deja vu again as he feels like this conversation was already done as he keeps hearing the name y/n in he's head as if it was important.

Shadow shakes it off tho as team dark heads off again as then they meet w8tu the other teams as they all confused but Amy happy to see sonic as it was happening then Eggman appeared out of nowhere

Sonic was suprised but ready himself

Sonic : you have alot of explaining to do Eggman

Eggman : but in reality you been chasing a fake my copy

Sonic was confused untile Eggman was turned into metal sonic but different

Everyone was supriesd except for the chaotix as they found Eggman the real one trapped ealier in a room

Shadow gets a feeling that this be a hard fight knowing...I'm he's mind as a feeling metal sonic is gonna be a hard fight

Sonic : how ?....metal has a voice what's going on?

Metal sonic explains the new found power amd now he's gonna be the new ruler of the Eggman empire and tule the world on eggmans behalf

Sonic : that's crasy we never gonna let that happen

The other teams nods while shadoe clenchs he's fist as he looks at the metal version of sonic

Then metal sonic turns into metal overlord as the teams gasp as the giant metal monster before them

Will they survive?

( hello guys thx for reading this chapter I glad you guys like the story and hopefully I do my best to make sure you guys are entertained so bye now )

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