5 - High Heels

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The cup of coffee was left on the table, long forgotten.

Latte gasped as Madeleine lifted his cape to further reveal his wings. "So let me get this straight; you're telling me instead of getting sick he grew these out of his back?" She asked.

"Pretty much."

It had gone pretty rough. Before getting down to the explanation, Espresso had to calm himself for a few moments.

Madeline was panicked as well. Unlike Espresso, though, instead of quieting down he rushed for an explanation. He waved his arms about for a minute trying to speak, but his words stumbled over each other and contradicted. His wings pressed tightly against his form and they caught on his cape, pinching it at awkward angles.

Yeah, definitely a rough explanation.

Somehow, though, the point got across.

"And when you got to Madeleine's home, there was jam everywhere." Latte gave a pointed look at Espresso, wanting to clarify.


Latte took a deep breath. "And you STILL went shopping with him?"

Espresso looked both parts guilty and annoyed, "The next day."

"He's still injured!" Latte yelled with her arms waving about, "You don't take injured cookies shopping!"

Madeleine shifted uncomfortably from his spot in the living room, "Uhh, if I may add to the conversation-"

"And YOU," Latte directed her gaze at the paladin, "Take better care of yourself!"

Madeleine returned with a confused look.

"You're hurt! Don't go to other cookies' houses when you're hurt!"

Madeleine and Espresso shared a similarly distressed look as Latte buried her face in her hands.

Latte was not planning on lecturing anyone today. Especially not two grown adults who should've known better.

"Alright," Latte sighed deeply, "why are you here again?"

Madeleine awkwardly shifted around for a moment, trying to figure out how to phrase his words without another lecture. He took a deep breath to relax.

"I want to learn more about the wings I grew. I want to know how they work and how to move them. I..." Madeleine cut himself off.

He felt so disconnected from that part of himself.

But he wasn't ready to directly communicate that.

He felt the limbs. They were there. Though they felt strange. They didn't pull down on his back. In fact, they were incredibly light. He could almost ignore them if he didn't feel the constant pressure of his winter cape lightly brushing up against the wings.

It was all too foreign.

"I mean- I want to fly," Madeleine stated. He didn't know when he started to thread his hands in his hair, but he didn't stop.

"Yeah," Latte sighed, "That's cool and all, but you still have to wait for your back to heal."

"Oh, that." Madeleine looked off to the side.

"Actually..." He fiddled with his hair a bit more, "It's mostly healed now."

"It's...WHAT?" Latte yelled.

Yup. Madeleine felt that it was pretty strange as well. The way his light magic not only helped the wings grow in size but also accelerated his healing a bit. He knew that the origins of light magic were more geared toward healing, but he didn't think that his body would adapt to using it passively.

Madeleine Grows a PairWhere stories live. Discover now