7 - The Day, But Continued

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Madeleine, meanwhile, was not having a great time.

When he pointed the knife at the cloaked cookie, he couldn't quite read their expression, but their body language conveyed complete terror. They were on the ground, surrounded by cookies they didn't know. They were defenseless.

That cookie was a threat to the kingdom, he knew that. They had a knife. Though for some reason, he couldn't help but feel like he was doing the wrong thing.

The cookie didn't know what they were doing. They didn't look confident enough to go through with hurting anyone.

Were they under a spell? Or forced to go to a populated part of the kingdom, armed and everything?

The knife's weight felt heavy in his hands long after he dropped it.

Now, he was running away from the problem that gave him his current dilemma.

Was he in the right? He didn't exactly have a moral rule that fit the situation.

It was his job to protect the cookies of the kingdom, but did that include everyone? Including anyone who was immediately hostile?

His hand tightened where there should be one of the straps to his main shield. There was nothing there.

The weight of his sword was also missing from his hip. What used to be the sound of his armor clanking together was now the sound of his heels clicking loudly against the walkway.

He was so used to the deep thrumming of his boots that he almost thought it was somebody else making the noise.

Madeleine let out a deep breath.

It was just him running. Nobody was following him.

He couldn't get himself to stop, though. He felt restless.

Everything that had happened had been a bad spiral of events. He couldn't go back and change them, but he could make sure nothing like that happened in the future.

He could go home the next day, ditch the costume and disguise idea, and figure out a different way to go through things.

It would be fine.

His run slowed to a stop. It seemed his feelings resolved themselves.

A wave of lightheadedness fell over him, and he hunched over. Maybe he shouldn't have stopped running so suddenly.

Had he felt this faint the whole time?

Everything started to feel blurry and out of focus. All of the street lamps blended into one continuous streak of light.

He put his head in his hands and pressed against his face.

The feeling didn't go away. The walkway was stirring under his gaze.

Everything was disorienting.

He started to hear ringing, and he felt weak.

His stance buckled, and he crashed onto the sidewalk. He couldn't tell whether or not he scraped his knees in the process. All of the pain was canceled out by the swimming feeling in his head. It made his eyes hurt.

He tried to look at his hands, but all he saw was a blur of black and purple. He didn't even know if he was looking at his hands. He couldn't feel them. Everything tingled.

He tried to move his arms, but they felt disconnected from him. They burned with pins and needles. It seemed like they were weighted down to the floor.

Madeleine shut his eyes tight.

Madeleine Grows a PairWhere stories live. Discover now