13 - Letters and Cards

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A song was playing distantly while Grand Madeleine whisked away at a bowl cradled in one arm. She hummed a familiar tune to a different song, her favorite song. The melodies clashed, but she didn't pay it any mind.

Madeleine ran up to her, several blankets trailing after him, and held up a book. He was learning to read and write, and naturally, he got into the habit of reading books every day.

She looked down at him, her gaze softening, "That book again? We read that one yesterday." 

The book was an old nursery rhyme put onto thick pages. Each page was painted with enough detail to keep Madeleine entertained for minutes. 

"Oh," Madeleine put down the book, "What are you doing?" 

"I'm baking."

"Baking," he blinked, "Why are you baking?" 

Grand Madeleine chuckled, "It's true I could get someone else to bake sweets for me, but I like to sneak into the kitchen and do it on my own. It's a hobby."

Madeleine smiled, "It's your hobby!"

"Yes! If there's something every cookie needs, it's a good hobby and a good friend," Grand Madeleine stopped her whisking and held out the bowl, "Would you like to help me pour this?" 

A cupcake tin was off to the side, already lined with paper shells.

Madeleine glared at the bowl, "It's too full an' I'm probably gonna spill it."

"Well then I can do the first half and you can pour the rest if you want to."

"I can pour the rest!" Madeleine ran to grab his stepping stool under his mother's watchful gaze. His blankets dragged across the floor. He was never found without being surrounded by the comfort of his blankets.

He quickly returned, placed the stool down, and stood up to grab the bowl. 

"Nevermind, I can't do it."

In his defense, the bowl was pretty heavy.

Grand Madeleine assisted, putting her hands on the bowl as well to steady it, "Sure you can. If you mess up, I'm here for you." 

She never corrected any mistakes, even when Madeleine poured too much batter into the cupcake liners. 

She'd simply ask, "Do you think this is good?"

And she'd always get, "It's perfect!" in response.

Clearly, there were no mistakes.

Madeleine gathered a bunch of his blankets and hugged them, "Can I also help next time?"

"Yes, of course. Now, you wanted me to read a book…"

He zoomed to grab the book off of the floor, "This one! With the gosling!"

"Any longer and you'll get soggy." Espresso cut through the paladin's daydream.

Madeleine looked down at the bowl he was rinsing out. It was spotless. Warm water was crashing over his clasped hands.

He heard a click from the oven. It finished preheating.

He quickly turned off the faucet and dried his hands off with a washcloth, turning to grab a baking tray. He was making soda bread.

Espresso held the oven door open, and Madeleine hummed in thanks as he slid it in. 

Espresso leaned against the counter, "I never knew you liked to bake." 

Madeleine nodded and hugged himself. It was always comforting to bake bread and sweets. It reminded him of home.


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