24 - Wing Talk? Magic Talk? Talk

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Hello! I haven't forgotten about this fic! It will, however, likely go through some changes over this summer break. 

Am I rewriting it? No, I'm simply patching up some plot inconsistencies and potentially adding in a chapter or two in the beginning. (Yes, this will take time) If you want to keep this version of the fic specifically, I recommend downloading it from AO3. Alternatively, when the changes are finished, you can DM me and I can provide a version of it myself. I will notify yall when those changes are finalized (likely within the next chapter or two) and then it'll be smooth reading from there.


Espresso swiped the drool from his mouth and repositioned the collar of his shirt in an effort to mask his embarrassment from actually falling asleep—in a sick room, no less! Being stiff and sore all day was already one of the joys he had as a cookie in magic-science studies, and he was nothing less than thrilled to have it twofold after sleeping like that. The only good thing to come out of it was his feeling surprisingly well-rested, a true once-in-a-year sentiment.

In his defense, he was a coffee cookie. He was fundamentally built different. He could endure hours, hell, days more activity without forfeiting his time to sleep.

Latte was the same way, and honestly, it was the only reason she got things done. Gossip during the day, lesson plans during the night, not too dissimilar from Espresso's self-indulgent schedule brimmed with research.

Well, if he could actually get to it without having a hollow-headed oaf in the way.

Maybe Latte was rubbing off on him, because the moment she started spelling off concerns about Madeleine was the moment he started worrying, too. The paladin moved /way/ too fast in terms of healing and recovery– alarmingly fast.

Madeleine's ability to bounce back from what continually sounded like—and looked like—terrifying traumatic events was quite possibly the most concerning thing about him. Damnit, Espresso couldn't believe he was getting emotionally invested in someone like that.

-and he also struggled to believe that he was fine with being emotionally invested in someone like that.

"Sleep well?"

Espresso's gaze immediately darted left, catching the blonde-haired mess that was Madeleine sitting on the side of the bed. He tried his best attempt at a glare. "No."

Espresso rubbed his neck, willing the achiness to go away lest he deal with it for the next eternity or two.

"Ah." Madeleine faltered, reaching across the bed to grab Espresso's glasses. "Well, you got sleep at least, so that's good, right?"

Espresso yanked his glasses from Madeleine's extended hand and put them on, glaring again at his friend. "Hardly. You're the reason I'm about to be stressing for deadlines the next time I get back to the lab."

Madeleine appeared to be fiddling with a wing in his lap, straightening the feathers to his best ability. "Maybe you should request an extension. Take care of yourself."

"You're the last cookie I should hear that from," Espresso rebutted.

Madeleine stiffened, halting his work almost comically fast. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"You scared me half to death, that's what. You need to take better care of yourself." He jabbed the other in the face, where he knew he wasn't hurt. "I can't believe I worried that much about you." The last part was mumbled as Espresso buried his face in his hands.

"You worried?"

Espresso could just imagine the smug look the paladin had on his face, eyebrows raised with a sly grin, the whole of it, but when he spared another glance his way it was almost the opposite. Madeleine carried a soft smile while he carded over his primary feathers. He was glowing.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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