9. To build a friendship

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Mystic Falls: 2 days ago

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Mystic Falls: 2 days ago

In Elena's living room Elena, Stefan and Bonnie we're all sat on the floor in a circle facing one another. To the middle of them was Bonnies grimuar surround by lit candles. The room was dark the only light was the burning flames of the candles.

"Stefan hand me the thing that is the symbol for Brie." Bonnie demanded as Stefan placed Brie's hairbrush in the palms of her hands.

"Bonnie will this work?" Elena asked question the percentage of the locators spell actually finding the whereabouts of Brie.

"It has to." Bonnie whispered her words just loud enough they could hear.

"Klaus wouldn't hurt her." Stefan bravely proclaimed which clearly annoyed the girls as they both shared the same frustrated expression. "I know Klaus. He wouldn't. Not without a reason to and Brie hasn't showed him anything but kindness."

"How can you say that? Klaus doesn't need a reason to kill people. He just does. You know why?" Elena shouted hurt and angry. She didn't understand how Stefan could find any part of Klaus Mikaelson, the hybrid merciful. "Because he can."

Bonnie shock her head in disagreement, "Not anymore. I won't let him."

The flames of the candles grew more intense as silence filled the room. Bonnie concentrated on the spell ignoring how the others would watch in awe. The map shown placed in front the three a small trace of blood was appearing to form in to a line. A line then a circle. A circle then the covering the whole map.

"What happened?" Elena's human brain couldn't take the capacity of why the spell didn't work. Rapidly, Bonnie rose from floor, Elena following.

"I don't get it." Bonnie murmured to herself, thinking of all the possible answers. Stefan didn't know either he was slowly pacing around the room his hand staying on his forehead the whole time. "It's like she doesn't exist."


New Orleans: Present day

Brie is stood on the balcony of the nursery still holding Hope within her arms. Klaus, who had been watching them from inside, opened the grand glass doors to the balcony. "She looks comfortable." His soft words made Brie to turn facing him from looking over the street of the French Quarter.

"She's so calm." Brie spoke on awe looking down to this tiny human staring back up at her, "Is she not normally like this with new people?"

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