16. Passion, Pain and Promise

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Passion, Pain and Promise

Passion, Pain and Promise

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New Orleans

Brielle dropped her minuscule bag to her feet letting out of exhausted sigh. She brushed her hands against one another before passing them on her hips, panting. "Man I should really lift more." Brielle, still having one hand on her hip, used her right hand to wipe your forehead. Her breathing still beating at a fast pace.

Stefan and Klaus weren't far behind as they dropped duffel bags, twice the size of Brie's, to the side of her in a pile. Stefan conveyed an amused smile towards the human girl contrasting to Klaus' bewildered glance at her great dramatics.

The hybrid and vampire collapsed onto the couch in the entrance lobby of the Mikaelson home, pouring themselves a glass of bourbon Brie was sure had been around longer than herself. The car journey was going to be long enough anyways but having Brie singing the whole way there made it even more painful.

"Right my lovely supernatural friends," Brie scrunched her nose picking up her back once again, finally gaining back her breath. "I am off."

"Did you want me to walk you?" Stefan inquired having the girls safety in his best interests.

Brie waved her hand signifying no, quickly spinning on her feet to walk out. "Don't be daft. Marcel's isn't far. I can walk it."

Klaus nearly spat his drink out causing Brie to halt. "Marcel?"

"Yeah." Brie answered hearing a humming sound coming from Klaus' lips revealing he clearly wasn't finished with what he wanted to say. "Do you have something you'd like to say Nik?" Stefan looked between the two wishing he stayed home.

"No..." He muttered sassily under his breath receiving a sharp glare from Brie who was bribing her arms against her chest. "Okay. It's just you know it's not really going to last right?"


Stefan stood up from his seat grabbing his bag, "I'll leave you guys to it."

"He's a vampire." Klaus continued.

Getting restless Brie threw her hands up in the air. "Come on what's so bad about a human and a vampire?"

Klaus laughed while sipping his bourbon. "Tell me what isn't?"

"Why does it matter? I like him he likes me. We're both adults." She giggled to herself thinking about Marcel but also how child like Klaus was acting.

"Name one match with a human and vampire." Klaus protested standing to his feet, this time putting his bourbon down.

"Stefan and Elena" All of a sudden it hit her and she begged Stefan wasn't close enough to hear.

"Doesn't count they're not together anymore." Klaus was winning the disagreement and oh boy was he enjoying it.

Brie wasn't giving up so easily. "No but both shared a connection they won't find in anyone else and you know it. They were destined." She smirked knowing that he couldn't disagree.

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