24. Lesson 2: To be better, is to be happy

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"I hope you find time to be happy not just strong."

As the evening wears on, Brie and Jeremy start to feel the effects of their indulgence. Their words becoming slurred, and their steps become unsteady.

Slouched over a few drinks, Brielle and Jeremy sat at a booth laughing over minuscule things that sober not even Brie would find funny.

Laughter replaced the tension that had weighed them down. They shared stories, inside jokes, and even indulged in a friendly game of darts. The bar became their sanctuary, a place where they could forget about the world outside and simply be themselves.

"Hey, guys, it's time to head home," Approaching the table Stefan appears, trying to keep the situation light-hearted.

Brie looks up with bleary eyes, a mischievous grin on her face. "Oh fun police has arrived!"

Stefan chuckles and gives Jeremy a gentle nudge. "Come on, mate, time to call it a night."

Jeremy looks up at Stefan, his words slightly slurred. "But I was just about to show off my dance moves!"

"Who ratted us out then?" Brie curiously asked.

"It doesn't matter. You're both drunk and I need to get you home." Stefan, straight into dad mode demanded, "and sober...if possible."

Jeremy responded looking towards brie. "Definitely Damon."

"You know what's so crazy?"


"That's what I was thinking."

"Shut up." Flabbergasted, Jeremy's mouth nearly hit the floor.

The alcohol definitely hitting Brie now as her vocabulary reaches the grammar of a 11 year old. "I'm like dead-Serious."

"Oh good lord." Stefan sighed looking up. "Why on earth did you two, of all people, decide to drink together?"

"Jers my best friend."

Taking Bries hand, tears well in Jeremy's eyes. "You're going to make me cry."

A laugh threatens to leave Stefans mouth. Moments like these he forgets why he should be mad at them. "Come on you two get up."

As they make their way through the bar, Brie and Jeremy's laughter continues to draw attention. Some people cheer them on, while others shake their heads with amusement.

Laughter filled the air as they attempted to navigate their way to the exit.

Stefan, being the responsible one, took charge of helping Jeremy. With a firm grip on his friend's arm, he guided Jeremy through the maze of people, ensuring they didn't crash into anyone or anything.

As they finally made their way outside, the cool night air hit their flushed faces.

Brielle stepped out of the vibrant club, the pulsating beats still echoing in her ears. As she adjusted to the dimly lit street, her gaze fell upon a familiar figure waiting for her. It was Klaus.

With a sense of anticipation, Brielle's eyes met Klaus's intense gaze. Her heart skipped a beat as she took in his rugged features and mischievous smile. But it wasn't just Klaus that caught her attention that night; it was the way he looked at her, as if seeing her for the first time.

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