Chapter I: The Bad Kid

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[My name is Joey Dark and as most of you already know i have been living the most crappy life ever, my grades were bad and my summer was an...... absolute shit fest, So please retrace with me so back in my middle school days I met Nate and we became best friends and it ruined my experience in middle school and then I finally get to a new High school only to find Nate
there so you can understand my ploit.
Anyway back to the present, So i spent
my entire first session in school chasing after a girl who was never going to be mine and when i finally let
go of it and found someone that made my world spin and not long after she moved to Hokkaido with her Family and That seriously broke me and now i know that the concept "Love" is.......... trash and it is a mistake that I will never make again]
(Joey is locked in his room)

Natty:(Knocks) Joey come on its been
          a week since Dawn moved to ....
          Hokkaido, you need to man up
         and get over this, i know it hurts

Joey:(Low voice) No thats the thing
       natty you don't know how much
       this hurts, i am literally going rr
       insane and its beyond your help
       or anyone elses.

Natty: I can't help you if you stay
        closed off so please just open
        up please

Joey: Am not one of your patients so
         for the last time bitch piss off k
        don't you have better things to

Natty:If you let this darkness consume
          you then you will be too far gone
          is that really what you want?

Joey: Go fix your own problems if i
        can recall your daughter's still
        in rehab.

Natty: Joey thats not fair!!!

Joey: Whats not fair is you wasting
      your life fixing broken kids and
      your kid is the most broken off

Natty: Look i failed Prissy as a mother
           but Joey I can't let you do same
           your mum means a lot to me.....
           and i can promise you that now
          turning to drugs might null your
          mind temporarily but it can not
          get rid of the pain.

Joey: Just fuck off k i don't give a crap
           about you or anyone else look i
           should clarify that i need to be
           away from all of you to be able
           to get over this.

Natty: Joey i can promise you that
           there is another way to deal
         with this there's always gonna
          be another way.

Joey: Drop the movie line and just go

Nancy: Joe i want you to do what you
        need to do but always remember
        to come back to me and your ......
       mum and dad and Jason and Em
       and Jeff and all of us.

Joey:(Angrily) Look i don't get it i still
       agreed to go to school and I didn't
       stop seeing my tutor so what else
       do you want, this shit isn't even...
       your problem so just go please!!!

[Am sure you all think am being stupid and childish but if you were hurting as much as i am right now then you would be doing far worse than this]
(Someone knocks on My door)

Joey: Please go away!!

Belle: Joey its 4:15pm!!

Joey:{Shit thats right, you remember
        i had to get a tutor following my
        horrible grades in the last term...
        Belle is great but she's a pain in
        the ass sometimes} Come in.
(She comes in and sits on my bed)

High School Trilogy Vol.2Where stories live. Discover now