Chapter X: Never have i ever (Finale)

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[A wise man once said that some humans although share a lot of characteristics differ in many ways like how some people like are born with natural intelligence while breeds like me were not given such a blessing
Anyway am starting to think that it doesn't matter who or what tutors me i think am just not cut out for school]
(In my room)

Joey:{I asked ema to leave cuz i really
         needed some alone time and i eh
         i just don't know what to say or...
         even how to feel}
(someone comes in)

Emily: Hey Joe!

Joey: Oh Em hey there...........

Emily: Hey about your practice exam

Joey: Look Sis, i really appreciate you
       coming here to try'n cheer me up
        but i'd honestly just rather be left

Emily: Cheer you up..........? That is not
        why I'm here, i want us to review
        your scores and see where your...
        weak points at.

Joey: Bu.....but............

Emily: No buts ok, you may be my big
           brother but I can still look after
           you if i want to.

Joey: Awwn that's the sweetest thing
         you've ever said to me!

Emily: Ok now back to business.

[Winter classes for seniors in Moren high school began and it was gonna just be us and a few juniors who......... either skipped thier classes and have to attend winter school or people who wanna attend] (inside the cafeteria)

Joey:(Sits down alone)

Ema:(comes and sits)

Ryan:(also sits)



Joey: You guys realize that I wanna be
         alone right!

Maddy: Oh yeah we know but we're
          not gonna let you push away....
          your friends over something.....
         we really don't mind.

Ryan: Yeah man, we don't care about
           what anybody's grades were.....

Joey: Well i care and honestly right
       now you guys aren't helping.......
(Stands up to leave)
(but bumps into lili)

Lili: Shit!! you just fucking spilled hot
         chocolate on my cute new top!!

Joey:(Ignores her and tries to walk
Lili: Ah........ So rude! you're being a
       huge dick to everyone cuz your
       too stupid to pass your classes.....

Jodi: Alright Lili thats enough!

Lili:(sarcastically) Hey who let the slut
      out of her box to come talk trash....
      in my face!

Jodi:(stands up and slaps her) Shut the
        fuck up bitch.

Lili:(tries slapping her back but gets
       (slapped again) Get your fucking
       hands off me!!

Jodi: Oh you've got some nerve calling
        me a slut, you whore.

Lili: Why don't you take your fat ass
       and get outta my face

Jodi: Its way better than that flat tile
     your walking around with calling
     it an ass.

Lili: I would rather have a flat ass .......
    and be a catch but we all know that
    every guy in class has fucked that....
    pipe you call an ass.

High School Trilogy Vol.2Where stories live. Discover now