Chapter VII: Birth of a rivalry

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[I've lost touch with a lot of people over the years and Nate was one of em until i ended up in the same high school with him and my relationship with him has brought me nothing but trouble, now i have to figure out how to get Cassie's phone and delete a........ video of me fucking Jodi and i have to do it within 5 minutes]
(At the basketball court)

Joey:(Whispering) Psss.........pssst.

Bethany:(turns her head)

Joey:(Signals for her to come)

Bethany:(Still whispering) What?

Joey: I need your help.

Bethany: Oh no no no, i remember
           what happened the last time
           i helped you.

Joey: Please Beth this is serious!!

Bethany: What have you gotten into

Joey: I need to delete something from
        Cassie's phone so i need you to.....
        help me distract her while i grab
        it then Lexi can open it and then
        delete it.

Bethany: Wait what does Lexi have to
              do with this...................................
              is she blackmailing you?

Joey: No! i mean well kinda but thats
        not important I don't have much

Bethany: Ok ok fine I'll help you.

Joey: Thanks.

[Bethany helped me delete the video and I was glad that the madness was all over but then i still had to talk to my uncle which I did and he agreed to bring Nate back to school so long as Nate's father agreed to it as well and Nate's father did agree so by next week which was the beginning of our mock practice test exams, but for now I'd like to enjoy my weekend]
(In Larry's Garden Cafe)

Jodi: No way that bitch seriously came
         to your house that night, climbed
         up a ladder and videod us having
        sex. (long pause) That's messed up

Joey: Yeah and well i guess i have my
         self to blame for it.

Jodi: Not your fault, it was the drugs

Joey: No jodi it wasn't i was fucking....
        sobber that night

Jodi: Ok enough about depressing talk
        lets focus on positive thoughts.

Joey: Like what the fact that Nate's
        coming back to school.

Jodi: Wait.......................WHAT!!

Joey: Yeah Lexi blackmailed me into it
        and now he's coming back.

Jodi: Ok thats another bad thought so
    please for the last time enough with
    the bad thoughts.

Joey: Fine but right now I can't think
        of any "good thoughts" now!

Jodi: Maybe some Coffee will help.

Joey: Yeah and I'll take a muffin.

Jodi: I'll go get em you just sit tight.

Joey: I'll be here waiting.

[While Jodi left to get the coffees and the muffins ema maddy walked into the cafe and slighted me so she came and sat with us]

Maddy: Coffee in the afternoon isn't
            health wise.

Joey: What can i say am feeling a little
        bit reckless.


Joey: But what're you doing here, i
        mean you live miles away.

High School Trilogy Vol.2Where stories live. Discover now