Chapter V: Friend Zone

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[It only takes a second for a person to realize that they just made the biggest mistake of their lives, A lot of stuff has happened this past few weeks and its been one crazy hell of a ride, We did manage to rush Kelly to the hospital and they stabilized her just in time, it turns out Cassie got the gun from........ Pedro and she's been grounded for a
very long time.] (At the hospital)

Kelly:(wakes up)

Joey: Its about time!

Kelly: Joey well i gotta say this is really

Joey: A few weeks ago i was the one
       lying on a hospital bed.

Kelly: Speaking on that, I'm beginning
          to think that your not interested
          in me.

Joey: Oh about that.

Kelly: Yeah you took me out on two
          dates and then you cut me off.

Joey: That is actually a long and funny
      story which ema will explain to ya

Kelly: I knew she had something to do
          with it.

Joey: Not exactly but she'll fill you in.

Kelly: So where is ema and cassie and
        my aunt and uncle, i hope they're
        all ok.

Joey: They're fine don't worry.

Kelly: So am assuming your not just
         here to check up on me................

Joey: No so here's the thing I think you
        need to move back to Toronto

Kelly: No no no I can't do that.

Joey: You have to ok or else another
        incident like this might happen

Kelly: I can handle myself ok, i just
         need to talk to cass

Joey: Didn't you already try talking
        look where it landed you.

Kelly: I can't just run away and for
        real this isn't really a big deal...
        Cassie's just a kid and she must
        feel really damaged by now.

Joey: It doesn't matter leave that for
        her therapist.

Kelly: She has a therapist?...........

Joey: Yeah her mum suggested it and
       cassie had no problems with it so
       they got her a therapist

Kelly: I guess I'll think about it.

Joey: Ok whatever I gotta get back to
        my house but rest up.

Kelly: So your skipping school for the

Joey: Yeah i am, later!

Kelly: Kk.
(A week later)
[All this time that i was spending with ema i didn't realize that rumors were going round saying that I got Nate my Best friend suspended so i could steal
his girlfriend] (In the gym)

Ema: There you are I've been looking
         everywhere for you.

Joey: Well this is my new lunch spot

Ema: So why are you here eating?......

Milly: The whole school is calling him
          an asshole.

Ema: Why are you here too?...........

Milly: Wherever my boyfriend eats i

Brandon: Awwn thanks babe I think...

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