Chapter VIII: Playboy rules🤞

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[Last time on High school trilogy Vol.2
Chp 6: Nate and i kinda made up and he wants me to break up with ema and start going out with cassie which i didn't do and now someone has a picture of me kissing cassie on the floor of the the 11th graders class, i searched for days trying to find who took that pic but no success until one night when i was lying in my bed i got a text from a mysterious number]


Unknown: Hey floor kisser.

Joey: Wait hold u......p your the one
       who took the pic that day..............

Unknown: Yeah i am.

Joey: I've been trying to find you but
        it was like you were a ghost.

Unknown: So why were you tryna......
                find me?

Joey: I need you to delete that photo

Unknown: Why...............?

Joey: If that pic gets out its gonna
   cause a lot of uneccessary drama
   in my life.

Unknown: But what're you afraid of
             that people are gonna find out
             that you're two timing your eh
             girlfriend with her sister!

Joey: Wait how do you know all this
        huh who are you?

Unknown: All I've got to say to you is
              that pic ain't going nowhere.

Joey: What do you want from me?

Unknown: I want to rid this world of
              players like you!

Joey: No no you misunderstood what
        you saw, it wasn't like that.

Unknown: Yeah like i haven't heard
             that one before.

Joey: Am serious, look if you just get
        rid of the picture then you'll......
        know the whole truth.

Unknown: But why do I have to get
           rid of the picture first?

Joey: Cuz i don't want you posting it
      or sending to anyone by accident.

Unknown: Oh don't worry bout that
             am gonna be watching you....
             Joey Dark so one slip up and
             this pic hits #1. Trending

Joey: Once again who are you?

Unknown:  Yeah if i told you that then
              it would ruine all the fun.

Joey: This isn't some joke am f**king

Unknown: And so am i.

Joey:(Turns phone off)
(Still in my room)

Joey:{Whoever this person is they're
          really fucking up my style right
          now} (Someone knocks) Come in
(ema walks in)

Ema: Hey babe!!

Joey: Hey.................... ema

Ema:. That's it just "Hey ema"

Joey: Am so sorry babe am just really
       tired, Practice exams have been....
Ema: Tough i know................

Joey: hold up what time is

Ema: Its 8:15pm why?

Joey: Holy shit, i totally forgot................

Ema: Forgot what?

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