Chapter IX: Frenemies 🔞

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[Highschool is the one place that we all wanna live it up to the fullest and no one ever wants to peak in high...... school, lately I've been stuck in a lot of messy situations, But now i feel like i should probably just ignore the kiss between me and Bethany! and i just realized that I messed up badly i need to apologize to ema and get her back]
(In my room).

Joey:{Why have i been thinking about
          bethany a lot lately and i need to
          really be focusing on getting ema
          to forgive me} (someone knocks)

Belle: Hey joe joe, what's up.

Joey: Oh belle, hey what're you doing
         here we don't have session today
         do we?...............

Belle: No we don't i just came to get....
           my coat i left it here last week...
           and i needed it.

Joey:(Looks lost)

Belle: Ok i know that look............

Joey: Huh?............

Belle: You only have that look when
        you've got something stupid but
        serious on your mind.

Joey:(Sighs) I just.................. its just
          ah never mind it's stupid!!

Belle: I already knew it was stupid
         and i still wanted to listen, so
         please get on with it.

Joey: So i had a big fight with my g.f
        and i kinda kissed her sister and
        then I told her sister to tell her....
        that i said "I don't do whores"......
        and now am sure she hates me....
        and to top it all my best friend's
        girlfriend's best friend kissed me
        and i.............(interrupted)...............

Belle: Woah woah slow down man!!
     ok Firstly you need to calm down
     and access this situation well but
     from what i can tell you need to...
     apologize and seriously make it up
     to your girlfriend.

Joey: But what can i do that would eh
        make it up to ema.............?

Belle: Wait you're dating ema, as in
       Ema Stone sister to Cassie Stone
       Daughter's to Mr Roger Stone!

Joey: Ok should I be creeped out by
        the fact that you know all that!!

Belle: Are you kidding me, the stones
          are filthy rich.

Joey: Yeah i know that, come on belle
        i need advice on my love live not
        a documentary on my girlfriend's

Belle: Sorry I'm sorry, look from what
         i know about ema, she's the kind
        of girl who likes anime and kitty's
        and stuff like that.….

Joey: So................

Belle: So get her something like that
         something that'll get her excited

Joey: That's actually an amazing idea
         so thanks belle.

Belle: Always happy to help, now eh
         where is my coat.......?

Joey: Ou yeah about that, my sister
       might have shrunk that by em
       by accident.

Belle: What! then why didn't you tell
        me that from the start.

Joey: Cuz then you would have left
       and i really needed someone to
       talk to.

Belle: Well i guess since my coat is
           now the size of a crop top i....
           have no reason to be here.

High School Trilogy Vol.2Where stories live. Discover now