Chapter IV: Lovers💜

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[At this stage in my life i feel like everything could go wrong at any time cuz nothing seems to be working in my favour, my brother got him self
inside a mess that i think i created.......
and just when i asked out a girl that i
have had a crush on for a while sorry
bout not telling you guys about it but i think i just roped myself into some of
Kelly and Cassie's family drama but
in all this one of the most shocking of
them all that happened was that Ema
and Nate got back together and he eh
supposedly ended things with Lexi....]
(In eddy's rented apartment)

XN:(loosens the cloth tying Jeff's

Jeff: You better stop with torturi
    me and just kill me cuz if i get
   out of here then i am gonna kill
    every single one of you!

XN: No no killing you would be
       way too simple, if i kill you
       then joey doesn't come........
       trying to play hero

Jeff: What do you want with my

XN: Am afraid thats classified

Jeff: Yeah classified my ass your
   still pissed that he throw your
   dirty ass in jail.

XN:(Smiles) Funny you should eh
    say that cuz I've been thinking
    what I could have done to piss   
    you off so much that you tried
    killing me.

Jeff: Don't fucking play games.....
        you wanna act like you can't
        remember what you did.

XN: This nigga fucking thinks......
      this is some kind of rodeo. 
(hits jeff on the head with a pistol

Jeff: Your just a lonely dick who
     didn't get enough love as a kid
     aren't ya
XN: You my friend ........(raises his
        need to learn some manners
        boys why don't you show our
        guest a lesson of talking bull.

(Meanwhile at the Stone's house)

Cassie:(Packing her stuff)

Kelly: Cassie you can't be serious

Cassie:(No reply)

Kelly: Your gonna leave home cause of
        a boy

Cassie:(looks angry). No am gonna.......
         leave cuz of you!!!

Kelly: Look am sorry k he asked me
        out and he just woke up in the..
        hospital what did you expect me
        to say?!!

Cassie: You could've have said sorry
          am not interested but no am.....
          sure you were too curious to eh
          know what his lips tasted like....

Kelly: Ema please talk some sense into
       your sister.

Ema: Nah if she wants to leave then
         let her leave its not my problem

Kelly: Way to be helpful (Sarcastically)

(Cassie packs only one bag and leaves)

Kelly: Fuck!! is she stupid or crazy!!

Ema: Let her be she'll sort her self out

Kelly: Aren't you worried bout her...

Ema: Relax k, she's just gonna go to
       uncle pedro's place for a while..
       then she'll come back

Kelly: Pedro the one who deals in guns

Ema: Yeah!!

Kelly: How is that any reassuring huh

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