Chapter 38

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Brandon/Scott's POV
It's officially the day of the trial. The day I was worried about for along time. I still have not been able to find who murdered Skye Miller yet. I'm just hoping whatever happens today it will all go well and maybe they will realize Justin really isn't behind all of this.

Monty left the next day after spending the night at my place. He had a massive hangover but he could not remember a thing. I don't think he still has as he hasn't brought anything up to me or even act weird towards me yet and I'm hoping it will stay that way. I rather Monty tell me when he's sober and knows what he's doing if that ever does happen.

I got ready then head to court with my parents. There I see Justin sitting there trying to look calm but I know on the inside he's freaking out as much as I am.

First the prosecutor goes first then the attorney. They both call up and questions many possible witnesses or anyone who could help with the case. It took about two hours then finally the jury was going in to make their decision. It took them about 15 minutes to get a unanimous decision then they came out. This was the scariest moment I have ever gone through. What the judge says next will change my brother's life no matter what. For the worse or better.

"We the jury find the defendant Justin Butler... guilty for second degree murder towards Skye Miller. Butler will serve prison for 30 years." The judge says.

I-i can't believe it. I can't believe they all actually found my brother guilty for murder. The cops came and took my brother away. The look on his face when the cops came will be the face I will never forget. My mom starts to break down after that and she left the court room along with my dad.

I definitely have to find out who murdered Skye Miller now and prove my brother's innocence. The jury may have found him guilty but that doesn't mean the case is fully closed. If I'm able to find evidence to prove his innocence then he will automatically be freed from prison. I have been spending half of my time chilling at Liberty, going to parties and playing baseball but those are going to be put on the side now. As I will for a fact find out who's framing my brother.

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