Chapter 20

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Brandon/Scott's POV
I was still carrying Courtney with me. I didn't know what to do with her. If Bryce saw me with her then I'd be fucked. I saw Jeff talking to some people so I walked up to him as fast as possible.

"Jeff I need your help." I said panicking.

"Woah, what's wrong? Are you ok?"

"You need to drive Courtney home right now, I'll explain everything to you later."

"Sure." Jeff said sounding kind of confused.

I helped him carry Courtney to his car. I went back inside the party and Charlie finally found me and wanted to know what happened.

"There you are." Charlie said.

"Sorry, but you're the only person I trust that's friends with Bryce. I'll tell you everything but I hope you won't tell him about it or anyone else."

"Of course not. Bryce may be my friend but I don't support him raping girls. Did you see who the girl was?"

"Courtney Crimsen. I was walking around admiring everything and I went into his room because it looked nice. Suddenly I heard Bryce's voice and I couldn't let him see me in his room since I didn't think he'd understand. So I hid in his closet and saw everything." I explained to him.

"Oh shit that must've been a horrible view. I feel so bad for Courtney. Where is she now?"

"I asked Jeff to drive her home. Bryce would've eventually come back to continue raping her."

"It's good she's gone now. It was a good thing you were there. Girls don't deserve to be raped at all."

"I agree with you. But it's getting late so I should get going."

"Yeah. I'll see you on Monday." Charlie said as I was leaving.

I was walking towards my car until I heard something that caught my attention.

"Do you think he knows?"

"No don't worry. I'll protect you if he finds out. There's so many possible suspects, he won't ever find out it's you."

Someone was talking at the side of the house. It sounded like Alex and Zach. What were they talking about. Alex sounded kind of scared for getting caught. What did he do? Oh my god! Don't tell me Alex was the one who killed Skye. I need to listen a bit more.

"Don't worry Alex, he'll never find out. If he does then you can deny it and I'll be your alibi. I won't let him do anything to you."

"Thanks Zach, I know I can always trust you to have my back."

I heard Alex and Zach start walking so I ran to my car before they knew I was listening to them.

I can't believe I witnessed half a rape. Luckily Bryce didn't get too into it yet. Poor Courtney's not going to remember a thing tomorrow. I also can't believe Alex is a possible murder suspect. I need to keep a better eye on him. God so many things happened at this party tonight.

I got home and it was already late so my parents were already sleeping.

I just remembered I had a possible copy of the tapes on the USB so I decided to listen to it tomorrow morning.

I couldn't sleep at all. I kept thinking about everything I saw at that party. At least now I know going was worth it since I got something out of it. Listening to the tapes might actually help a lot so I know what's going on. I couldn't stop thinking about Alex and Zach. If Alex is a murderer and Zach's covering for him then that makes Zach not a trustful person either.

I thought I could trust Zach but now I'm not so sure. It's not 100% that Alex killed Skye but from their conversation it sounds like Alex has a big secret. I can't confront them without any proof. I have to try to ask Zach about it but how do I do so without him being pissed. He might not be too happy knowing I listened into their conversation.

I'm 70% sure Alex murdered Skye, if not then it's someone else. Why would he need Zach to be his alibi if he was innocent? Everything's so fucking confusing at this point.

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