Chapter 44

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Brandon/Scott's POV
"Sheri Holland is the person who murdered Skye." Zach said.

No fucking way. I don't even know how I was feeling anymore. Was I feeling upset or betrayed or shocked or everything? I don't believe it was Sheri but do I really know her well enough to believe she's completely innocent? Zach's story sounded so real and all his emotions. I don't think Zach would lie about this to me.

"Why? Why did Sheri do it?" I asked him.

"I don't know Brandon. Sheri never told me anything other then those threats and that I can't tell anyone. I was just as surprise as you are when I saw she murdered someone. I still can't get that image out of my head today. Sheri was one of the nicest girls I knew. I didn't think she had it in her." Zach said.

Does Sheri know I'm Justin's brother? Did she actually like me or was she just using me this whole time to get me to like her so I don't suspect her.

"Does she know who I am?" I asked him.

"I don't know about that. I only knew your real identity because I did my own research" Zach said.

"What do you plan on doing now Brandon?" Zach asked me.

"Zach you need to come with me to the police station. You have to tell them what happened!" I said trying to leave the locker room.

"I'm afraid I can't let you do that boys" Sheri said as she stepped out. Was she here behind the lockers this whole time?

"You betrayed me Zach." Sheri said.

"I'm not afraid of you anymore Sheri. You already ruined my fucking life! What more do you fucking want from me?" Zach said screaming at her.

"I told you you were going to have to pay for betraying me." Sheri said and quickly walked up to Zach and she stabbed him.

"ZACH!" Oh no! This can't fucking be happening. She's probably going to kill me too.

Sheri took the knife out of Zach's body and he fell on the ground. This girls a fucking psycho!

"You're next Brandy." Sheri said.

I started to run the opposite way. Shit she locked the door from the outside.

"There's no where to hide. You're locked in here with me." Sheri said.

Fuck. I made my way towards the bathroom. There's no where to hide either. I checked my phone and there's no service in here. There's never any service in the locker room fuck!

"There you are Brandy. Like I said there's no where to hide. I did like you. I wasn't lying about that but unfortunately I do have to kill you since you know the truth about me." Sheri said.

"Before you kill me. I just need to know. Why did you do all of this? What has my brother and Skye ever done to you?" I asked her trying to stall time but I also do want to know the truth.

"I guess I can tell you since you're about to die anyways and no one's going to find you in here." Sheri said.

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