Chapter 19

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Brandon/Scott's POV
I put on my whole catcher's gear before heading out to the party. I still had to stop to grab some beer so I went to the same place as I did last time. I only got about three packs this time.

I went inside Bryce's house and it was really nice. Even bigger then Luke's house. I saw Bryce, Monty, Charlie, and Zach's outfits and I couldn't even hold in my laughter.

"I can't believe you were serious Charlie, I didn't think you'd actually show up wearing Christmas outfits

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"I can't believe you were serious Charlie, I didn't think you'd actually show up wearing Christmas outfits." I said while still laughing.

"It's a creative costume. Christmas on Halloween. But I like your costume, your a baseball catcher."

"Yeah. I used to play baseball in my old school so I already had the gear."

"That's cool."

"I didn't know you play baseball." Monty said sounding a bit shocked as he walked up to me.

Monty was literally eyeing me at this point. I see him looking at me everywhere.

"Yeah, I played back in my old school."

"You should try out for the Liberty's baseball team in the Spring."

"I actually plan on doing that."

"That's good." Monty said before slowly backing away with a smirk on his face.

Should I be freaked out by Monty's words? It almost seems like he's flirting with me. No that can't be it, that's probably just Monty's personality. He likes to tease people.

I was walking around still admiring how big Bryce's house was then I suddenly walked into someone.

"I'm so sor- holy shit!"

"Don't worry, it's just fake blood."

"Jeff? Wow that looks so real."

"Thanks! It took so long to actually make it look this real

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"Thanks! It took so long to actually make it look this real."

"Well you did a great job."

"I like your catcher's outfit."

"Thanks. Well I'm going to go find something to drink. I'll see you later." I said to Jeff before leaving.

As much as I liked hanging out with Jeff I decided to do some snooping. Bryce seemed distracted with the other guys so I tried to find his room. I walked upstairs and went past a room that must be Bryce's. I went inside and locked the door behind me. Hopefully Bryce doesn't go in his room anytime soon. I looked through his desk and found a note. 'Could a person be that sick?' was what the note said. The ink was slowly fading away so I think this note was written about a year ago. Is this some kind of threat note? Suddenly I heard the knob jiggling.

"The fuck? Why's my door locked. Hey is someone in there!" Bryce shouted while banging on the door.

Oh shit, I can't let him see me here. I decided to go hide in his closet.

"Babe, wait here, I'm going to go grab the extra pair of keys in my parents room."

Babe? He's with a girl right now? He did sound pretty drunk. Oh fuck, don't tell me he's going to rape another girl. I really don't want to be here while he does that but I can't leave knowing that girl is right outside this door.

Bryce opened the door then he locked it before pushing the girl on the bed. I didn't recognize the who the girl was since he was blocking her face. I decided to record this for evidence for future uses. It could come in handy.

Suddenly I got a text from Charlie. Fuck I forgot to silence my phone.

"The fuck? Was that a phone?" Bryce said while looking everywhere in his room to see if there was a phone.

"Fuck it." He said before going back to raping the girl.

This is fucking disgusting. I want to stop him but I can't. Maybe I should get Charlie to help me but that also means telling him everything. Actually I think I'll just come up with a lie.

Scott: Charlie, how drunk are you? I need your help.

Charlie: I only had one shot. What's up?

Scott: Bryce is raping a girl right now. I accidently walked in his room before he came in here and I hid in the closet when I heard he was coming in.

Charlie: Oh shit! Don't worry I'll try to help you get out and stop him from raping the girl.

Few minutes later I heard someone knocking on Bryce's door.

"Bryce! Are you in there?" Charlie shouted from the other side of the door.

"What the fuck do you want Charlie? I'm busy." Bryce shouted back.

"There's an emergency, you need to get down here right now!"

"Fuck. I'll be back baby." Bryce said before leaving his room.

I immediately got out of the closet. As I got closer the girl he was raping started to look a bit familiar.

"Courtney Crimsen?"

She kept moaning. She was definitely drunk. Courtney didn't seem like the type of person to go to parties so I wonder what's she doing here. And how the fuck did Bryce get to her. I got to get her out of here before Bryce comes back.

I held her up and left Bryce's room as quick as possible. Something on the side caught my eyes. It was a USB and it said 'Hannah's Tapes'. I decided to put it in my pocket since it might actually contain Hannah's tapes. Hopefully Bryce won't notice its missing.

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