Chapter 13

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Brandon/Scott's POV
I was finishing up with Charlie at Monet's. It was about 4 now. I told him I had to go and he was fine with that.

I drove to the prison where my brother was being kept. The officers easily let me see him.

"Hey Brandon, I haven't seen you in a while." Justin said.

It's only been about five days but I guess it's a lot. My brother and I have been used to seeing each other everyday. We never left each other's sides so I guess five days is a big difference.

"How have you been doing?" I asked him.

"It's ok. Definitely not as great as home. But I have my own jail cell so that's the good news. Food here isn't the absolute worse. What about you?"

"I'm doing ok, still trying to prove your innocence though"

"Oh yeah, did you ever find a way to do so?" Justin asked me.

Shit I forgot I never told him the plan yet.

"Yes. I went undercover as a junior at Liberty."

"What? That could be dangerous and possibly illegal."

"I know, but don't worry. It's been three days and no one suspects anything. Our dad's friend got me some fake paperwork and hacked into the school's system."

"Do they know we're related?" Justin asked me.

"No, I'm using a different name. One guy did mention we kind of look alike when I brought the case up. But I don't think he suspects anything."

"So how do you like it at Liberty then? Did you make friends with anyone?"

"It's ok, the parties seem kind of wild. Some people are nice. I joined the football team so I guess I'm friends with some of them. Right now I would say I'm closest with Jeff Atkins, Zach Dempsey, and possibly Charlie St George. I just went out for coffee with Charlie before I came here. Jeff was the first person I met and Zach is in my math class." I told him.

I talked to my brother about everything that has happened at Liberty so far. He was understanding and loved to here everything I went through. I talked to him about my life at Liberty for an hour.

"Hey Justin, there's something I have to ask you."

"What is it?"

"I've been told that you were seen associating with Skye more then once."

Justin seemed kind of surprised in a way. But then, frustrated? He let out a deep breath before saying something.

"Brandon, there's something I've been keeping from you."

I nodded at him to continue.

"Skye and I.... we were seeing each other. She's my girlfriend. Well was my girlfriend. But I swear I didn't kill her. I'm sorry I didn't tell you." Justin said.

"Why did you keep it a secret? You know I would have supported you."

"I don't know. I guess it was hard to say. Skye was a good person to me but not everyone saw that. I guess I was afraid you and our parents would think badly of her like everyone else."

"Justin, you have to tell me every single thing that happened the night that Skye died. You weren't at a friends house, were you?"

"Well I was. But it wasn't just me. I was actually at a party. I wasn't drinking much of course but I may have drank a few shots. It was a party hosted by a rich guy at Liberty. Skye and I got into an argument that night."

"So the news wasn't lying when they said someone saw you and Skye."

Justin nodded. Before continuing to explain.

"Skye wanted to leave but I didn't. I guess with the little alcohol I had in my body... it made me turn angry. She dragged me outside by the forest and we ended up fighting. It was a stupid fight though. I ended up saying she can leave if she wants but I'm staying. That was the last time I saw her." Justin explained.

"I wish you told me this before. I thought we were brothers!"

"I know and I'm so sorry."

"I need time to process this. Bye Justin."

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