Chapter 23

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Beginning of math class

Brandon/Scott's POV
"Hey Zach, I need to ask you something." I said to him.

"What's up? Make it quick though, I heard our teachers giving us a pop quiz today and I want to study a bit before he gives it."

I'm just going to say it straight.

"I overheard you and Alex's conversation during Bryce's party on Saturday." I said slowly getting quieter as I said each word.

Zach looked a bit shocked.

"W-what did you hear exactly?" Zach asked me sounding kind of nervous.

"I heard you telling Alex you were going to protect him and that no ones going to find out what he did. What exactly did he do?" I asked him sounding more confident now.

"Were you fucking eavesdropping?"

"No! I was leaving until I heard someone talking. Then I accidently heard that conversation." I explained to him.

Zach looked like he was about to explode any second now but he decided to calm down by taking deep breaths.

"You shouldve kept walking Scott. I'm only going to say it once so listen carefully. You shouldn't have heard that conversation. It was private. It's not important and doesn't involve you so just forget about what you heard."

"How do you know it doesn't involve me? It can without you knowing!" Whoops I said that kind of loud. I noticed some of our classmates looking at us now.

"Keep your voice down! What the fuck is your problem today. Your usually very chill and now you're starting to butt up in business that isn't yours. I can guarantee you it doesn't involve you!"

I started fuming at this point. I got out of my chair and shoved Zach knocking him out of his chair. I don't know why but I was so angry. I'm not even 100% sure Alex killed Skye so why am I trying so hard to get Zach to confess? If anything I should be fighting Alex, not Zach.

"What the fuck was that for?" Zach screamed.

Zach got up and shoved me. We both began a shoving fight and it was about to get violent until the teacher came in and drag us apart. We were sent to the principals office.

Zach and I both sat outside the principals office waiting for him.

"This is all your fault Scott. You shouldn't have pushed me, I still don't know why you did it though. I've been nothing but nice to you since you got here." Zach said sounding pissed.

"I know yours and Alex's secret." I told him quietly.

"What secret?"

"The thing you were talking about beside Bryce's house."

The next thing I said, I don't know why I said it. I wasn't thinking.

"I know Alex murdered Skye and you're helping him cover it up." I said sounding a bit angry.

Zach gave a shocked face at first then he started laughing.

"The fuck dude? That's what this is about? I don't know if you knew but the killer has already been caught and he's in jail right now." Zach said while laughing.

"If you and Alex aren't covering up a murder then what are you hiding?"

"Fine you want to know the truth?" Zach said sounding a bit pissed now.

I nodded at him to continue.

"Alex accidently broke Bryce's parents vase. He bumped into it when we were playing around and no one else was there. Alex started freaking out because he knew how expensive it was and he wouldn't be able to pay for it so I helped him pick it up then we threw it outside his house where Alex and I were standing before. That's why you heard us talking there. I also heard Bryce say he was going to make sure whoever took his vase is going to jail and I couldn't risk that happening to Alex. Why the fuck did you think he murdered her?" Zach asked me.

"No reason, I just saw the news on TV a month ago and I found it hard to believe that guy Justin Butler was the killer."

"You knew him?"

Shit what do I say?

"He's my cousins friend. I've never met him but I heard good things about him. My cousin was devistated when he found out what happened to Justin."

"I see, so you think it's someone else who killed Skye."

"Maybe I don't know."

The principal finally came out. It was good because it stopped Zach from being able to ask anymore questions.

Secrets (Brandon Butler/Scott Reed)Where stories live. Discover now