Sleepless Nights (Blue x Cricket)

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A/N this is being written in the middle of the night, i am currently pulling an all-nighter so please go easy on me for this story also this takes place after the 15th book (even though i haven't finished it yet)

Blue's Pov:

I couldn't fall asleep, between Swordtail snoring and the nightmares of what i had done under the mind control of Queen Wasp. And from what I could tell no one else, besides Luna, could fall asleep either. "I am going to rip off Swordtail's wings if he doesn't stop snoring!" Sundew whispered

"Please don't, love of my life." Willow responded.

"Don't call me that." Sundew said angrily.

"Don't rip off Swordtail's wings." Willow said sternly.

"Fine." Sundew said

I lay on my side and tried to fall asleep. And even though I hadn't slept in weeks, I couldn't fall asleep. I wanted so badly to sleep but i couldn't. So after two hours of trying to sleep, i gave up and went to get a drink. I walked over to a small lake and drank a bit of water.

"Blue?" Someone called.

I didn't even have to look up to realize who it was. "Cricket?" I called back. "What are you doing out here this late?" I asked.

"I couldn't sleep and i came to get a drink." Cricket responded.

I moved away from my spot to let Cricket drink some water.

"Thanks" Cricket said.

After drinking some water Cricket turned around to face me. "Do you want to sleep here instead of the cave?" Cricket asked. "It's much less noisy here. And we don't have to worry about anyone ripping our wings off if one of us snores." 

I giggled "We can if you want." I said

Cricket lay down on the grass and beckoned me over. I walked over to her and she pulled me onto her. She brought her snout up to mine and passionately kissed me. "I love you Blue." She said

"I love you to Cricket" I responded

Cricket pulled me closer to her, wrapped her tail around mine and snuggled closer to me. "Can we please stay like this forever?" Cricket asked

"We can for now." I said

Cricket tucked her snout under mine and snuggled even closer. And within what felt like seconds, sleep came.

Luna's Pov:

I woke up in the morning to me cuddling up to Swordtail, and like everyone else, he was awake. "Where are Blue and Cricket?" I asked

"Those lovebirds are probably in another cave having sex or something." Sundew said jealously

"You never showed any interest in it so I never asked if you wanted to." Willow retorted

"How about we just go look for them" I suggested. "We'll split up into two groups, me and Swordtail, and Sundew and Willow." I said

A couple minutes later we set off to look, and Swordtail and I found Blue and Cricket cuddled up by the lake "Shh" i told Swordtail "Blue and Cricket have barely gotten any sleep, so it's better to let them get some now."

Swordtail nodded.

We looked for Sundew and Willow and found them searching another cave near the one we were in. "We found Blue and Cricket" I said.

"Great!" Sundew exclaimed.

"Except that they are sleeping for the first time in weeks so we shouldn't wake them up." I finished

"Damnit!" Sundew yelled.

"Shh!" I said "They're sleeping and they'll probably need some food, when they wake up."

"Great, even more chores." Sundew complained.

"Give them a break, they've been separated from each other for weeks and haven't slept in that time either." I argued.

"Fine." Sundew said.

We gathered some food for them and then let them be.


4 days later 

Blue's Pov:

"Cricket? Are you awake?" I asked Cricket

"I am now" Cricket groggily said

"How do you feel?" I questioned

"Better because i'm with you." Cricket said seductively.


A/N I'll let your imagination take it from there, but anyways did you enjoy that? Let me know by dropping a comment.

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