Sleepful Nights (Luna x Swordtail)

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A/N I got this idea off of a comment and I thought it would be funny to have the title be Sleepful Nights instead of Sleepless Nights. (due to the fact that this takes place during Sleepless Nights before Blue and Cricket wake up.) Also sorry for not updating faster. Also I might not update for about a week because i'm gonna be going on a trip with my family. And sorry if this chapter is shit, it's because I hate the ship and I hate Swordtail.

Swordtail's Pov:

I woke up in the morning to Luna still asleep but Sundew and Willow awake. "Where are Blue and Cricket?" I asked.

"Probably in another cave doing who knows what." Willow said.

"We'll wait for Luna to wake up before we do any searching." Sundew said.

"Alright." I said.


Later that morning

Luna had finally woken up and realized she was cuddling me. "Where are Blue and Cricket?" Luna asked

"Those lovebirds are probably in another cave having sex or something." Sundew said jealously

"You never showed any interest in it so I never asked if you wanted to." Willow retorted

"How about we just go look for them" Luna suggested. "We'll split up into two groups, me and Swordtail, and Sundew and Willow." Luna said

A couple minutes later we set off to look, and Luna and I found Blue and Cricket cuddled up by the lake "Shh" Luna told me "Blue and Cricket have barely gotten any sleep, so it's better to let them get some now."

I nodded. We looked for Sundew and Willow and found them searching another cave near the one we were in. "We found Blue and Cricket" Luna said.

"Great!" Sundew exclaimed.

"Except that they are sleeping for the first time in weeks so we shouldn't wake them up." Luna finished

"Damnit!" Sundew yelled.

"Shh!" Luna said "They're sleeping and they'll probably need some food, when they wake up."

"Great, even more chores." Sundew complained.

"Give them a break, they've been separated from each other for weeks and haven't slept in that time either." Luna argued.

"Fine." Sundew said.

We gathered some food for them and then let them be. I walked over to Luna "Follow me." I told her.

"Where are we going?" Luna asked me curiously.

"Somewhere private." I said.

Luna looked at me, excited. "You mean-" She started.

"No, not that, we're not having kids yet." I told her.

She looked disappointed. "oh... What are we doing then?" She asked me.

"It's a surprise." I told her.

"You know I hate surprises!" She told me. "Because I always have to wait!" 

"Alright I'll tell you what it is." Luna and I walked into the cave. And I pushed her lightly to the ground. "I'm gonna make out with you." I said.

I rammed my lips into hers and licked her lips with my tongue begging her for entry. She refused and pushed back with her tongue. Our tongues met and fought fiercely neither winning. I gave up and let her in, not to disappoint her but I still pushed my tongue into her mouth eagerly. I explored her mouth, and found out that SHE was that one who ate my mangoes. Regardless it was still amazing and we fell asleep together and were found by Sundew and Willow.

A/N But that's a story for another time also btw my computer is gonna die very soon so I hope you enjoyed and bye.

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