Web's History Class (Let me explain)

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A/N I don't really wanna write ships and lemons right now, and I made a joke a while back about writing about Web's history class and I didn't actually intend to write about it. But the more and more I thought about it, the better and better the idea got. So now I am here on vacation writing about the history class of a dragon in a kids series, what has my life become. But seriously, I hope you enjoy. Also btw this takes place after Caught in the act because I don't wanna figure out how to fit this into the rest of the timeline.

Qibli's Pov:

I walked into the classroom and sat down next to the rest of my winglet. Moon was on my left and Winter on the right. (A/N before y'all say this breaks cannon because Moon was studying to be a doctor, I say you're wrong, she has normal classes but Qibli was worried because Moon has more classes with Winter than him and also she can barely talk with him in his classes) "Where were you?" Winter asked me.

"I thought I had another class at this time so I went there and then I realized I had history so i ran over here." I told him.

Winter grunted and turned to face the board. Kinkajou and Turtle ran in.

"Sorry we're late." Turtle said shamefully.

"It's fine." Webs said. "Just don't be late again."

Turtle and Kinkajou sat down next to each other Kinkajou was next to Winter and Turtle was next to Kinkajou. "Alright, turn to page 348 of your textbooks and in groups of no more than 5 read and discuss the topics talked about on page 348 to page 356." Webs said.

Someone in the class groaned. "Coyote if I hear one more complaint out of you then you'll be staying after class." Webs scolded.

"But we have lunch after this." Coyote complained.

"Did you just talk back to me!?" Webs asked angrily.

"Yeah! That's how a conversation works." Coyote said sassily.

"Detention, for arguing with a teacher and disrespecting a teacher." Webs said sternly.


"No buts unless you want another detention." 


"Anyways, get into your groups." Webs said.

I decided to work with Kinkajou, Turtle, Winter and Moon. "Why again are we studying this?" I asked. 

"Because some of us haven't seen Freedom and Cottonmouth and heard the full story of the Scorching." Moon said.

"I think those of us who were there shouldn't have to do this." I said to which Moon agreed.

I walked up to Webs' desk. "Webs, is it okay if Moon and I skip class today because we have already learned about the Scorching and have been taught it by a scavenger and a dragon?" I asked Webs

"Sure, as long as you're not doing anything against the rules feel free to leave." Webs said.

Moon and I walked out of the history room. "What do you wanna do now?" I asked her.

"How about hunting?" She asked.


We flew over to the desert. "Qibli, you'll never believe what I saw." Moon said sarcastically.

"What did you find?" I asked

"Another lizard! It's only like the 50th one we've seen!" She said, giggling.

I started to laugh as well. We found some prey and caught it and flew back. "That was fun." I said

"We could do something more fun in your cave." Moon said.

"Lead the way madam." I said in a posh accent.

"After you monsieur " She responded, laughing.

A/N wow that was shittier than I thought it would be but it's better than nothing, anyways I hope you enjoyed it. I have joked about this for way too long. Also sorry about the late update I was trying to focus more on school and I couldn't update. I hope the next update comes soon. Also feel free to leave suggestions for any book of mine. And If you liked this style of writing where I just winged it, just tell me. But other than that I have nothing to say so I guess I'll see you (hopefully) some time soon.

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